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Posted By: Skeletor Clone scanner... - 25/01/06 05:05 AM
Below is my complete clone scanner, works very well, now I have been trying for some time now the following:

1. When I double click on the clones in the dialog then they are all kicked and banned.
2. Being able to have right click option so that I can echo the clones in th channel.

alias clonescan {
  var %chan = $iif($left($1,1) == $chr(35),$1,#), %type = $iif($2,$2,$iif($left($1,1) == -,$1))
  if ($dialog(clonescanner) == $null) && (%type != -a) { dialog -m clonescanner clonescanner }
  if (%chan !ischan) {
    if (%type == -a) { echo $colour(info) -a * Please enter a valid channel, ie. a channel that you are in. | return }
    else { did -ra clonescanner 4 Please enter a valid channel, ie. a channel that you are in. | return }
  if ($chan(%chan).ial != $true) {
    .ial on
    if (%type == -a) { echo $colour(info) -a * Updating IAL for %chan }
    else { did -ra clonescanner 4 Updating IAL for %chan $+ ... }
    set %cs.chan $addtok(%cs.chan,%chan,32) | raw -q WHO %chan | set %cs.type %type | return
  else {
    if ($dialog(clonescanner)) { did -r clonescanner 2 | dialog -t clonescanner VTEC §cript GOLD ® Clone Scanner - scanning %chan }
    if ($hget(cs)) { hfree cs }
    hmake cs $nick(%chan,0)
    var %i = 1, %ticks = $ticks, %clones
    while ($nick(%chan,%i)) { hadd cs $address($nick(%chan,%i),2) $hget(cs,$address($nick(%chan,%i),2)) $iif($numtok($hget(cs,$address($nick(%chan,%i),2)),38) > 0,$chr(38)) $nick(%chan,%i) | inc %i }
    var %o = 1
    if (%type == -a) { echo -a - | echo -a * Clone Scan in %chan }
    while ($hget(cs,%o).item) {
      if ($numtok($hget(cs,$hget(cs,%o).item),38) > 1) {
        if (%type == -a) { echo -a $numtok($hget(cs,$hget(cs,%o).item),38) => $hget(cs,%o).item $+ : $hget(cs,$hget(cs,%o).item) }
        else { did -a clonescanner 2 $hget(cs,%o).item ( $+ $numtok($hget(cs,$hget(cs,%o).item),38) $+ ): $hget(cs,$hget(cs,%o).item) | did -z clonescanner 2 }
        inc %clones
      inc %o
    if (%type == -a) { echo -a * Done. $iif(%clones > 0,%clones,no) group $+ $iif(%clones > 1,s) of clones found. (done: $+ $calc($ticks - %ticks) $+ ms) | echo -a - }
    else { did -ra clonescanner 4 Done. $iif(%clones > 0,%clones,no) group $+ $iif(%clones > 1,s) of clones found. (done: $+ $calc($ticks - %ticks) $+ ms) }
    hfree cs
raw 352:*:if ($istok(%cs.chan,$2,32)) { halt }
raw 315:*:if ($istok(%cs.chan,$2,32)) { set %cs.chan $remtok(%cs.chan,$2,1,32) | clonescan $2 %cs.type | unset %cs.type | halt }

dialog clonescanner {
  title "VTEC §cript GOLD ® Clone Scanner"
  size -1 -1 200 100
  icon $scriptdiricons\nlc.ico
  option dbu
  button "", 1, 0 0 0 0, ok
  list 2, 2 2 185 93
  box "", 3, 2 87 185 12
  text "", 4, 5 91 182 7
  icon 5, 171 2 45 96,$mircdir/pictures/K-TEK V-TEC Menubar.jpg

Any help would be really appreciated
Thank you.
Posted By: Skeletor Re: Clone scanner... - 25/01/06 08:24 AM
on *:dialog:clonescanner:dclick:8:  

thats as far as I have gone... :P

any help please guys 'n girl.
Posted By: Skeletor Re: Clone scanner... - 26/01/06 12:01 AM
I am getting further, but for the sclick:7 i want it to msg the nicks that are clonning, in a pvt msg, not in the active channel. For sclick:8 i am agetting · Error : no such nick : [ *!*@FSI-15D1403E.nott.cable.ntl.com ]

Any ideas?


  button "Ban", 6, 2 123 37 9
  button "Warn", 7, 2 133 37 9
  button "Kick", 8, 2 143 37 9

on *:dialog:clonescanner:sclick:6:{ mode $active +b $did(2).seltext }
on *:dialog:clonescanner:sclick:7:{ /msg $active $nick You Are Running Mulitple Nicks, Please Remove them. }
on *:dialog:clonescanner:sclick:8:{ kick $active $did(2).seltext | unset %clone | .timer -m 1 3 refresh }  
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