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on 1:JOIN:#Screwthischat: {
  if(%autoop == on) { goto auto }
  if(%autoop == off) { goto end }
  if($nick == Kdogground2) { goto giveop }
  else { goto finish }
  /chanserv op #screwthischat $nick

Now, Im not good with codes, and Im sure this is a big mess, but what I need it to do, is so I can assing it to a name (kdogground2 there is a example) ops when the enter the channel, without being on the access.
try this version of your
on *:JOIN:#Screwthischat: {

  if(%autoop == on) { 

  if($nick == Kdogground2) { chanserv op #screwthischat Kdogground2 }


removed things you don't need
if something is true { do this }
if it isnt true you dont need/want something unless you need a particular event to happen.
if nick is an op { op }
else {voice }
as an example
$iif($nick isop $chan, greets op,greets user)

on *:JOIN:#Screwthischat: {
if ($nick == Kdogground2) {
$iif(%autoop == on,chanserv op #screwthischat Kdogground2, echo -a autoop is off)
=o Wow, thanks, that works perfectly, though I do have one more question, is there a way, so, like, a person would have to identify with me in order to be able to access the script?
Becasue I realized, that anyone could jsut change their nick, and gain ops.
I havent tested this
;single channel
;usage /msg you AUTH <password>
on *:open:?:{
if ($nick == Kdogground2) && (Kdogground2 ison #Screwthischat) && (Kdogground2 !isop #Screwthischat) && (auth iswm $$1) && ($2 iswm thepassword) {
chanserv op #screwthischat Kdogground2
close Kdogground2
;multiple channel 
;usage /msg you AUTH #Screwthischat <password>
on *:open:?:{
if ($nick == Kdogground2) && (Kdogground2 !isop #Screwthischat) && (auth iswm $$1) && (#Screwthischat iswm $2)  && ($3 iswm thepassword) {
chanserv op #screwthischat Kdogground2
close Kdogground2

but I think either should work
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