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very simple question....I hope

if I use:

Land:/.msg Daemon !search -l $$?="Value #1" $$?="Value #2"

I get first one box, then a second box to appear after something has been entered into the first one

what I want is a single box to appear, that will accept the 2 values at once

also, what are these things called? Is it dialog's? sorry, I had a search on the forums, but I wasnt sure what I needed to be searching for
/help dialogs
Land:/.msg Daemon !search -l $$?="<Value #1> <Value #2>"

? shocked

yeah I tried that, along with http://www.mircscripts.org/showdoc.php?type=tutorial&id=27

however, Im not even sure if dialogs is what I need to be looking at, hence why I asked

even using /help dialog and the link I posted, I couldnt see how to do what I wanted

apologies, but Im very inexpierenced with this level of scripting

btw mods, if posting that link breaks any rules, please remove it from this post
Land:/.msg Daemon !search -l $$?="<Value #1> <Value #2>"

? shocked


I must have missed your post earlier. I just had a go with that, and unfortunately its not doign what I need

I think Im not explaining myself properly smirk

Basically, I need a box to appear, with two places to input values into it. I can work out the rest, but how to make a box like that, i dont know
I don't see why you can't use that. Perhaps it would help if you could post more details.

Is there a specific number of words that are being input to this box? If it's just one word for each, then you could use $gettok to do whatever with the values.
I apologise, I wish I knew the terms

Let me see if I can draw it out so as to explain it better

What appears when using $$?="Value #1" $$?="Value #2" is this

-Value # 1-

1,000,000 being the value I manually enter

Once I click ok, the second box appears

-Value # 2--

Now this would be fine, however, what Im looking to do is something like this

#Value # 1##Value #2 #

do you see what I mean?

i want to be able to enter both values at the same time.

I REALLY hope this explains it better
I think I understood that part already. The question though, is are the values being entered always going to be of the same form?

For example
Value 1: 2000
Value 2: 123,456

Even though the lengths are different, it's only 1 string of numbers being added to each one.

I'm not too familiar with dialogs, but unless there is some specific reason you need it to be 2 input fields in the same box, using $$? and $gettok should be sufficient enough for you.

Here's a simple example of what I mean (no error checking):

alias getinput {
  var %x = $$?="Enter 2 values separated by a space"
  echo -a Value 1: $gettok(%x,1,32)
  echo -a Value 2: $gettok(%x,2,32)

Type /getinput and it will prompt you to enter values and then echo them to the active window.
in addition to the other posts
alias sendmoney { dialog -m money money }
dialog money {
  Title "Money Money"
  size 550 125 100 50
  option dbu
  text "Value 1", 700, 1 0 48 10, center
  text "Value 2", 701, 51 0 48 10, center
  edit "",100, 1 15 48 10
  edit "", 200, 51 15 48 10
  button "SEND",900, 25 30 50 10
on *:dialog:money:sclick:900:{
  if (!$did(money,100)) { echo -a Error: Value #1 not entered | return }
  if (!$did(money,200)) { echo -a Error: Value #2 not entered | return }
.msg Daemon !search -l $did(money,100) $did(money,200)


alias money { 
  echo -a .msg Daemon !search -l $$input(Enter two values to send,e,Search,1000.00 5000.00)

see: /help $input
ahhhhhh Mikechat, I think youve nailed it

where do I put that code and how do I call it up? /money?
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