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Posted By: sparkicks aliases (test for last file name) - 23/12/05 09:03 PM
ok basicly there should be a number of files names with
etc after them now i make a program to see how many there are or what the last one was.
gunznum {
  set %filenum 002
  set %keepgoing 1
  while (keepgoing == 1 ) {
    if ("W:\gcapture\gunz $+ %filenum  == $null) {
      set %returnv $calc(%keepgoing - 1)
      return returnv
      set %keepgoing 0
    else {
      inc filenum 

now in remote
on *:TEXT:request*:?: {  
  if ($2 == gunz) {
    notice $nick there are $gunznum of files available

all looks fine

now why do i get this back then?
notice - there are of files available
Posted By: Aenei Re: aliases (test for last file name) - 23/12/05 09:08 PM
You get that because the alias is returning a null value.

If that is the exact code you are using, I suggest you change the line
      return returnv
to return the variable:
      return %returnv
Note the % sign in the second.
Does that work?

Additionally you can probably do it much more easily by using $findfile, with N = 0 to return the number
$findfile(dir,wildcard,N,depth,@window | command)
so you need soemthing like
should return the number of name*.txt files in the path to your script.
Posted By: sparkicks Re: aliases (test for last file name) - 23/12/05 09:19 PM
na doesnt make a difference i tried it with % ... no difference...

btw the findfile doesnt work... it says invalad parameters
erm... as a mattter of intrest will mirc accepted mapped network drives that trace back to your own hard drive right?
i did $findfile(w:\gcapture\gunz*,0)
invalad parameters:$findfile

and another thing... it didnt return null
it returned the word... of
Posted By: FiberOPtics Re: aliases (test for last file name) - 23/12/05 11:10 PM
The first parameter of findfile is the path, the second is the filenames you want to match (can include wildcars), so change the findfile to:

//echo -a Total: $findfile(w:\gcapture\,gunz*,0)

Will return the total files that start with "gunz" in folder w:\gcapture\

Note that if you don't specify it, $findfile will look into subfolders as well, so it will look in all subfolders of w:\gcapture for matches. If you only want to find the matches of the first level of folders, you need to specify the depth, which is the forth parameter.

//echo -a Total: $findfile(w:\gcapture\,gunz*,0,1)

Will return the total number of files starting with "gunz" in the folder w:\gcapture without looking in subfolders of that folder.
Posted By: DaveC Re: aliases (test for last file name) - 24/12/05 06:41 AM
as FiberOptics has said //echo -a Total: $findfile(w:\gcapture\,gunz*,0,1) well likely do

how ever the code you gave was so bugged i felt you needed the spots pointed out
gunznum {
  set %filenum 002  [color:blue]<-- should be using var %filenum = 002, global vas should only be used if needed between runs of a script[/color] 
  set %keepgoing 1 [color:blue]<-- same as above[/color]
  while (keepgoing == 1 ) { [color:blue]<-- variables need there % sign at the front when refenced ie: %keepgoing[/color] 
    if ("W:\gcapture\gunz $+ %filenum  == $null) { [color:blue]<-- need to use IF (!$isfile(W:\gcapture\gunz $+ %filenum))[/color] 
      set %returnv $calc(%keepgoing - 1) [color:blue]<--%keepgoing is always equals 1 so this is always going to result with 0, I assume your ment to be using %filenum[/color] 
      return returnv [color:blue]<-- var returnv needs the % added to it[/color] 
      break [color:blue]<-- well never occur RETURN (above) exits script[/color] 
      set %keepgoing 0[color:blue]<-- well never occur RETURN (above) exits script[/color] 
    else {
      inc filenum  [color:blue]<-- var filenum needs the % added to it, also 002 well result in 3, so a following command of VAR %filenum = $right(00 $+ %filenum,3) [/color] 

heres a code rewrite using your code
gunznum {
var %filenum = 002
var %keepgoing = 1
while (keepgoing == 1) {
if (!$isfile(W:\gcapture\gunz $+ %filenum)) {
var %returnv = $calc(%filenum - 1)
return %returnv
else {
inc %filenum | if (%filenum == 1000) { return 999 }
var %filenum = $right(00 $+ %filenum,3)
* code untested *

Added a protection from endless loop with the checking if moving beyond file 999
Posted By: sparkicks Re: aliases (test for last file name) - 24/12/05 05:17 PM
yea the amount of bugs i normally have in my programs does amaze me usually i normally just write it down very fast to just get the bones of how im going to do it but it doesnt work i get 0 files each time...

find file works fine but i want to get the aliases working and see what i did wrong...the reason im using the language is to learn how to use it...
btw i take it i just use $gunznum where i want that number to appear right?
Posted By: DaveC Re: aliases (test for last file name) - 24/12/05 11:33 PM
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