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Posted By: SvL Pop up by command - 04/12/05 11:18 PM
Hey ppl, could you help me make a script that when i write
!attack xxxxxx

it popup a link to the guy you want to attack..

ex. !attack SvL

Can you help with that ?

i need it on my user.. so that when i have op and ppl write !attack then its me who says it..not a bot..

and then the color have to be red

Thx grin
Posted By: drc4 Re: Pop up by command - 05/12/05 02:26 PM
I just got off work, and tired, and not fulling comprehending what you're asking. You want it so that when someone types !attack <nick> while you're an Op in a channel, it displays a link with <nick> at the end? Sounds easy enough, but I'm not sure that's exactly what you're wanting. try
on *:TEXT:!attack*:#ChannelName:{
if ($me isop $chan) .msg $chan http://blablabla.attack.rushy.com?php=id? $+ $$2

Just change #ChannelName to your Channel, and edit the url to whatever url you want. If this isn't exactly what you're asking for, I apologize.
Posted By: schaefer31 Re: Pop up by command - 05/12/05 05:23 PM
I just got off work, and tired, and not fulling comprehending what you're asking. You want it so that when someone types !attack <nick> while you're an Op in a channel, it displays a link with <nick> at the end? Sounds easy enough, but I'm not sure that's exactly what you're wanting. try
on *:TEXT:!attack*:#ChannelName:{
if ($me isop $chan) .msg $chan http://blablabla.attack.rushy.com?php=id? $+ $$2

Just change #ChannelName to your Channel, and edit the url to whatever url you want. If this isn't exactly what you're asking for, I apologize.

You can replace the isop check by using the @ prefix. If that's what he's asking for then it's probably a good idea to check that the attacked person is on the channel.

on [color:red]@[/color]*:TEXT:!attack *:#ChannelName:{
  if ($2 ison #) .msg # http://blablabla.attack.rushy.com?php=id? $+ $$2
Posted By: genius_at_work Re: Pop up by command - 05/12/05 06:21 PM
I'm not going to click on that link, so I don't know what it actually is.. I don't know if it's forum policy or not, but I don't think we should be helping with a script that allows one user to 'attack' another. If that link is not malicious, then disregard this.

Posted By: SvL Re: Pop up by command - 06/12/05 01:19 AM
I'm not going to click on that link, so I don't know what it actually is.. I don't know if it's forum policy or not, but I don't think we should be helping with a script that allows one user to 'attack' another. If that link is not malicious, then disregard this.


LoL, the link doesnt work, its a Example, guys where do i put this script ?
Posted By: SladeKraven Re: Pop up by command - 06/12/05 01:24 AM
Put it in remotes. smile

Posted By: SvL Re: Pop up by command - 06/12/05 01:32 AM
well, i just did, and it doesnt popup anything.. why`?

this is how i made it look like:

on @*:TEXT:!attack *:#TT1337:{
if ($2 ison #) .msg # http://torax.outwar.com/attack.php?attackname=id? $+ $$2

where it says =id? there should be the name you write after !attack
Posted By: SladeKraven Re: Pop up by command - 06/12/05 01:37 AM
It will only work if the person who gets attacked is in the channel. And if you are an op on the channel.

Other than that, the message is being sent but you cannot see it because it's prefixed with a (.).

Posted By: SvL Re: Pop up by command - 06/12/05 01:42 AM
lol the person is not supposed to be in channel..

i need a script that will popup writing:


If i write !attack Bla

if i write !attack Lol

then it popups and write

Posted By: SladeKraven Re: Pop up by command - 06/12/05 01:51 AM
on @*:TEXT:!attack *:#TT1337:{
  msg # $+($chr(3),12,$+(http://torax.outwar.com/attack.php?attackname=,$2),$chr(3))

Posted By: SvL Re: Pop up by command - 06/12/05 01:55 AM
thx, but it doesnt popup :S
Posted By: SladeKraven Re: Pop up by command - 06/12/05 02:03 AM
What do you mean by popup?

on @*:TEXT:!attack *:#:{
  var %x = $+($chr(3),12,$+(http://torax.outwar.com/attack.php?attackname=,$2),$chr(3))
  msg # %x | run iexplore $strip(%x)

Posted By: SvL Re: Pop up by command - 06/12/05 02:07 AM
i meen, it doesnt write any text..

i want it to be when people write !attack Noob
then i write automaticly the link that they have to press
Posted By: SladeKraven Re: Pop up by command - 06/12/05 02:09 AM
It works for me:

[19:08] <Andy> !attack SvL
[19:08] <SK> http://torax.outwar.com/attack.php?attackname=SvL

Posted By: genius_at_work Re: Pop up by command - 06/12/05 02:55 AM
If you have been trying to test the script yourself, you can't. You need to have someone else type the command for you.

Posted By: SvL Re: Pop up by command - 06/12/05 11:01 AM
Still doesnt work if other writes it confused

in my remote i have this script : on @*:TEXT:!attack *:#TT1337:{ msg # $+($chr(3),12,$+(http://torax.outwar.com/attack.php?attackname=,$2),$chr(3))}
Posted By: Kelder Re: Pop up by command - 06/12/05 03:05 PM
on @*:TEXT:!attack *:#TT1337: { 
  msg # $+($chr(3),12,http://torax.outwar.com/attack.php?attackname=,$2,$chr(3))

The } at the end must not touch anything else, put a space in front of it. Same goes for { and | and most other operators and commands: put spaces around them or they don't work. I also removed the double $+(), the first one does the same already.

The @ says 'only do this when I'm op' so make sure you are an op in that channel when someone else uses the trigger.
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