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Posted By: EdyM Poker game... - 01/12/05 11:30 AM
I am creating a text based poker game but im new to mirc script to as expected ive run into a bump...

/select { 
  /set %num $rand(2,14)
  /set %suit $rand(1,4) 
  if ( %num < 10 ) { %num = %num }
  if ( %num = 10 ) { %num = t }
  if ( %num = 11 ) { %num = j }
  if ( %num = 12 ) { %num = q }
  if ( %num = 13 ) { %num = k }
  if ( %num = 14 ) { %num = a }

  if ( %suit = 1 ) { %suit = d }
  if ( %suit = 2 ) { %suit = h }
  if ( %suit = 3 ) { %suit = c }
  if ( %suit = 4 ) { %suit = s }
  /set %card %suit $+ %num
  if ( % [ $+ %card ] == 0 ) { /occ %card $$1  }
  else /select $$2

/occ /set % $+ $$1 $$2

The last 2 lines of /select are meant to simply check if a card has already been dealt. In variables, i have all the cards set to 0 meaning none have been dealt yet. However, this code fails becuase i cant figure out how to read the content of variables dynamiclly. I need to be able to check the content of a variable named with the %card variable. In other words, %card is set to sa, and i need to check the content of %sa, if it says dk, i need to check %dk. If that function works properly, then /occ would only mark undealt cards. and thats my only problem at the moment

thanks in advance for any assistance.
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