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mmkay, I need a script to make all variables (like the numbers on the ends) lower down, mostly because of a list script for removing something off it
I'm using hash tables
on *:dialog:cmd4options:dclick:4: {
  if ($did(cmd4options,4).seltext) {
    hload hcmd4vars hash-cmd4vars.hash
    var %i 1
    while ($hget(hcmd4vars,$+(chan.,%i)) != $did(cmd4options,4).seltext) {
      inc %i
    hdel hcmd4vars $+(chan.,%i)
    var %i 1
    did -d cmd4options 4 %i
    hsave hcmd4vars hash-cmd4vars.hash

I need a way to make all the variables in between the one the person deleted to go down 1
For example
if you delete something off the list it will come as...
(in the hash table)
And when the list loads them
on *:dialog:cmd4options:init:0: {
  hload hcmd4vars hash-cmd4vars.hash
  var %i 1
  while ($hget(hcmd4vars,chan. $+ %i)) {
    did -a cmd4options 4 $hget(hcmd4vars,chan. $+ %i)
    inc %i

it'll only show #thelounge and #moo
I need it to show all those four by lowering the number label on them,
from chan.4 and chan.5 to chan.3 and chan.4

Thanks very much grin
This seems to be for the same script as in this thread: https://forums.mirc.com/s...p;page=0#143061 except that it seems you have switched from ini files to hash tables. Is there any specific reason why you are changing to hash tables? Personally, I would continue using ini unless you are planning on having hundreds of channels/items in your list.

The code I suggesting in your other thread would work well for maintaining your channel list if you use ini files. Here is code that will allow you to load/add/delete entries for your list:

;** INIT
on *:dialog:cmd4options:init:0:{
  var %c = 1
  while (%c <= $ini(cmd4vars.ini,chans,0)) {
    did -a $dname 4 $ini(cmd4vars.ini,chans,%c)
    inc %c

;** 'Add' Button
on *:dialog:cmd4options:sclick:7:{
  if (#?* !iswm $did($dname,6).text) return
  writeini cmd4vars.ini chans $did($dname,6,1).text $ctime
  did -a $dname 4 $did($dname,6,1).text
  did -raf $dname 6 $chr(35)

;** 'Remove' Button
on *:dialog:cmd4options:sclick:8:{
  if (!$did($dname,4).seltext) return
  remini cmd4vars.ini chans $did($dname,4).seltext
  did -d $dname 4 $did($dname,4,1).sel

I used the following table from the other thread for the above code:
  list 4, 4 20 50 100, tab 1
  text "New Channel:", 5, 4 115 35 10, tab 1
  edit "#", 6, 39 114 50 9, tab 1 autohs
  button "Add", 7, 91 114 20 9, tab 1
  button "Remove", 8, 56 20 25 9, tab 1

That may be close but now I'm doing hash tables and removing.
Thanks! grin
Here is the equivalent code for hash tables:

;** INIT dialog
on *:dialog:cmd4options:init:0:{
  if (!$hget(cmd4options)) hmake cmd4options 5
  if ($exists(cmd4options.htb)) hload cmd4options cmd4options.htb

  var %c = 1
  while (%c <= $hfind(cmd4options,chan.*,0,w)) {
    did -a $dname 4 $gettok($hfind(cmd4options,chan.*,%c,w),2,46)
    inc %c

;** 'Add' Button
on *:dialog:cmd4options:sclick:7:{
  if (#?* !iswm $did($dname,6).text) return
  if ($hget(cmd4options,$+(chan.,$did($dname,6,1)))) return
  hadd cmd4options $+(chan.,$did($dname,6,1).text) $ctime
  did -a $dname 4 $did($dname,6,1).text
  did -raf $dname 6 $chr(35)

;** 'Remove' Button
on *:dialog:cmd4options:sclick:8:{
  if (!$did($dname,4).seltext) return
  hdel cmd4options $+(chan.,$did($dname,4).seltext)
  did -d $dname 4 $did($dname,4,1).sel

;** CLOSE dialog
on *:dialog:cmd4options:close:0:{
  hsave cmd4options cmd4options.htb
  hfree cmd4options

You may want to add the 'sort' switch to the list box. Hash tables don't store data in any specific order, so the list will appear in a different order each time.

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