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Posted By: truguce dcc chat popups <nevermind> - 18/11/05 06:15 AM
Im sure this is easy but cant figure out how to send to a dcc chat window from a popup. I figured that it is under query popup but what would I put after
.First Question:/ <not sure what is next???>

Also I what i am tring to do, is when i get spammed I want it to send the message to a dcc chat window. Any help would be great.
Posted By: SladeKraven Re: dcc chat popups - 18/11/05 06:19 AM
Do you mean this?

menu query {
  .Chat: dcc chat $$1

Posted By: truguce Re: dcc chat popups - 18/11/05 06:51 AM
Nevermind I just figured it out. All i need to do is put
.Question:/say You want to ask me a question?

I did not see the say command before. Sorry for the trouble
Posted By: SladeKraven Re: dcc chat popups - 18/11/05 07:10 AM
Ahh right..


menu * {
  .Chat: {
    if ($chat($iif(!$1,$$?="Enter Nick",$1))) echo -a msg $+(=,$ifmatch) $$?="Enter Message"

Edit: I guess I misunderstood again oops, I thought you wanted to message someone you're in a DCC chat with, oops. My apologies I am tired.. blush

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