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Posted By: Armymen use nicklust3.dll - 24/10/05 02:56 PM
confused hi, i have a script and i use nicklust3.dll to make style to the nicklist. I whant to know if i can create a friend thing
The 1 pic, is the one i use with Nicklust.dll
On that one i got a simple icon, and simple all. the yelow is myself, and the white, is a friend. i whant the same but with Nicklust3.dll.

and the second one is the change i have to do to use nicklust3.dll

my code is:
 ON *:JOIN:#:{ 
  if ($nick == $me) {
    nicklust Mark $window($chan).hwnd nLUST_CallBack rowselect tooltips balloontips hideempty hottrack dlgframe clientedge 
    dll $scriptdirnickLUST3.dll AddIcon $chan > $shortfn($scriptdiricons\op2.ico)  
    dll $scriptdirnickLUST3.dll AddIcon $chan > $shortfn($scriptdiricons\voice.ico)   
    dll $scriptdirnickLUST3.dll AddIcon $chan > $shortfn($scriptdiricons\MacOSX.ico)    
    dll $scriptdirnickLUST3.dll AddIcon $chan > $shortfn($scriptdiricons\hop.ico)   
    dll $scriptdirnickLUST3.dll AddIcon $chan > $shortfn($scriptdiricons\usr.ico)   
    dll $scriptdirnickLUST3.dll AddIcon $chan > $shortfn($scriptdiricons\spr.ico)   
    dll $scriptdirnickLUST3.dll AddIcon $chan > $shortfn($scriptdiricons\ownr.ico)  
    dll $scriptdirnickLUST3.dll SetGroupText $chan 1 >  Chatters   
    dll $scriptdirnickLUST3.dll AddGroup $chan 10 + 2 >  Voice +    
    dll $scriptdirnickLUST3.dll AddGroup $chan 11 @ 1 >  Operator @   
    dll $scriptdirnickLUST3.dll AddGroup $chan 12 % 4 >  Halfop %    
    dll $scriptdirnickLUST3.dll AddGroup $chan 13 - 5 >  User ops   
    dll $scriptdirnickLUST3.dll AddGroup $chan 14 & 6 >  Super ops    
    dll $scriptdirnickLUST3.dll AddGroup $chan 15 . 7 >  Eigenaar   
    dll $scriptdirnickLUST3.dll SetGroupView $chan 1 normal    
    dll $scriptdirnickLUST3.dll SetGroupView $chan 10 normal    
    dll $scriptdirnickLUST3.dll SetGroupView $chan 11 normal    
    dll $scriptdirnickLUST3.dll SetGroupView $chan 12 normal
    dll $scriptdirnickLUST3.dll SetGroupView $chan 13 normal   
    dll $scriptdirnickLUST3.dll SetGroupView $chan 14 normal  
    dll $scriptdirnickLUST3.dll SetGroupView $chan 15 normal 
    dll $scriptdirnickLUST3.dll SetGroupIcon $chan 1 3   
    dll $scriptdirnickLUST3.dll SetGroupPos $chan 15 start 
    dll $scriptdirnickLUST3.dll SetGroupPos $chan 11 end 
    dll $scriptdirnickLUST3.dll SetGroupPos $chan 12 end  
    dll $scriptdirnickLUST3.dll SetGroupPos $chan 10 end   
    dll $scriptdirnickLUST3.dll SetGroupPos $chan 14 end    
    dll $scriptdirnickLUST3.dll SetGroupPos $chan 13 end    
    dll $scriptdirnickLUST3.dll SetGroupPos $chan 1 end   
    dll $scriptdirnickLUST3.dll SetColor $chan bkg $color(1) 
    dll $scriptdirnickLUST3.dll SetColor $chan text  $color(0)  
    dll $scriptdirnickLUST3.dll SetColor $chan tipbkg $rgb(219,219,219)
    dll $scriptdirnickLUST3.dll SetColor $chan tiptext $color(1)   
    dll $scriptdirnickLUST3.dll SetColor $chan hottext $color(8) 
    dll $scriptdirnickLUST3.dll SetColor $chan divider $color(0) $color(1)   
    dll $scriptdirnickLUST3.dll SetHeaderFontStyle $chan italic    
    dll $scriptdirnickLUST3.dll SetHeaderColor $chan 15 $color(4)  
    dll $scriptdirnickLUST3.dll SetHeaderColor $chan 11 $color(9)  
    dll $scriptdirnickLUST3.dll SetHeaderColor $chan 12   $color(4)  
    dll $scriptdirnickLUST3.dll SetHeaderColor $chan 10 $rgb(0,0,255) 
    dll $scriptdirnickLUST3.dll SetHeaderColor $chan 14 $color(4) 
    dll $scriptdirnickLUST3.dll SetHeaderColor $chan 1 $color(4) 
alias nicklust { dll $+(",$scriptdirnickLUST3.dll,") $1- }
alias nlust_callback {
  if ($1 = tooltip) {    
    var %extra    
    if ($3 == $me) %extra = (Eigen naam)   
    nicklust SetTipTitle $2 1 > Information sur $3 %extra    
    return Status: $nlist_pnick($remove($nick($2,$3).pnick,$3)) $+ $crlf $+ Idle: $duration($nick($2,$nick($2,$3)).idle) $+ $crlf $+ Notify list: $iif($notify($3),Oui,Non) $+ $crlf $+ Adresse: $iif($address($3,4),$ifmatch,) $+ $crlf $+ Canal: $_comchans($3,32)) 
alias nlist_pnick { 
  if ($1 = @) { return Operateur de canal }  
  elseif ($1 = .) { return Kamer Eigenaar }  
  elseif ($1 = &) { return Beschermde Chatter }  
  elseif ($1 = +) { return Voice }  
  elseif ($1 = %) { return Half Op }  
  elseif ($1 = -) { return Operator }  
  elseif ($1 = $null) { return Utilisateur Normal }
alias _isnotifylist {  
  if ($notify($1)) return $2  
  return $3
alias _comchans {
  var %tokk = $iif($2,$ifmatch,$chr(32)), %iii = 1, %chh
  while (%iii <= $comchan($1,0)) {    
    %chh = $addtok(%chh,$comchan($1,%iii),%tokk) | inc %iii  
  return $sorttok(%chh,%tokk) 
if ($1 == nickadded) {  
  if ($3 == $me) return 2 $rgb(255,0,255) > $me $crlf $+ Dit ben jij  
  if ($3 == Bullseye) return none $rgb(0,255,0) > $3 $+ $crlf $+ Script maker  

i whant to use Nicklust3.dll the same as i use nicklust.dll. I change to Nicklust3 because of bug on the other one
Posted By: _D3m0n_ Re: use nicklust3.dll - 27/10/05 11:38 PM
have you contacted naru? seeing as thats the creator of it, and it should have came with a helpfile, i mean i did the helpfile on nicklust2 for naru, that was long ago tho, i havent seen this version, im actually still running off version 1 myself, the bug that was in version 1 was really miniscule anyhow, it only comes out once in a great while like when your chatting in larger fileserv chans, i say chatting, but really your waiting for illegal free stuff. but ya know what i mean, if your missing the help file and are unsure how to use it let me know, i can get a copy of it for ya as i still occasionally chat to naru.
Posted By: Armymen Re: use nicklust3.dll - 06/11/05 07:17 PM
i think i gonna keep mind nickLUST.dll, and keep the bug
Posted By: Armymen Re: use nicklust3.dll - 20/01/06 03:56 PM
Snif, but i whant it :'(
Posted By: Armymen Re: use nicklust3.dll - 21/01/06 04:35 PM
how can i contact naru ?
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