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Posted By: HAMM3R spell checker - 28/08/05 12:18 AM
Hey. I had a look at a spell checker made by Tat here. and I liked the idea. However, insted of correcting everyone unvolentarily, i wanted to make it work with a triiger like !spell WORD. If WORD was spelled correctly it would say so, if not, it would say it wasnt then show the suggestion. I am almost there. It will alert you if it's spelled wrong, but I cant get it to say if it's correct without flooding. Have a look:
on *:TEXT:!spell*:#:{
  set %spell.chan $chan 
  check.spelling $2-
alias check.spelling {
  if ($1 == !help) { .timer 1 0 msg $chan !ignore <ignoreword>, !coff, !con, !nocorrect, !correct | return }
  if ($1 == !ignore) { write ignore.txt $2 | .timer 1 0 msg $chan the word " $+ $2 $+ " will be ignored from now on. | return }
  if ($1 == !coff) { %nocorrect = $true | .timer 1 0 msg $chan Correct Bot Off. | return }
  if ($1 == !con) { unset %nocorrect | .timer 1 0 msg $chan Correct Bot On. | return }
  if ((%nocorrect) || ($1- != $strip($1-))) { return }
  if ($1 == !nocorrect) { %donotcorrect = %donotcorrect $nick | .timer 1 0 msg $chan You won't be corrected. | return }
  if ($1 == !correct) { %donotcorrect = $remove(%donotcorrect,$nick) | .timer 1 0 msg $chan You will now be corrected. | return }
  if ($nick isin %donotcorrect) { return }
  var %sents = $remove($strip($1-),.,?,:,;,",*,&,^,%,$,#,@,!,'s,'ll,'ve",1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,+,_,/,\,$chr(44)), %i = $numtok(%sents,32)
  var %sents = $replace(%sents,-,$chr(32))
  while (%i >= 1) {

    if (!$read(ignore.txt, s, $gettok(%sents,%i,32))) do.check.word $gettok(%sents,%i,32)
    dec %i
alias word.site { return http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q= $+ $1 }
alias httpparse {
  if ($regex($1-, http:\/\/(?:(?:[^:]+)(?::(?:.+))?@)?([^/]*)(\/.*) )) {
    if ($prop == site) return $regml(1)
    if ($prop == file) return $regml(2)
alias do.check.word {
  var %spelling.sock = spelling. $+ $1
  if ($sock(%spelling.sock)) { return }
  sockopen %spelling.sock $httpparse($word.site($1)).site 80
  sockmark %spelling.sock $word.site($1)
on *:SOCKOPEN:spelling.*: {
  if ($sock($sockname)) {
    sockwrite -n $sockname GET $httpparse($sock($sockname).mark).file HTTP/1.1
    sockwrite -n $sockname Host: $httpparse($sock($sockname).mark).site
    sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: Keep-Alive
    sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
on *:SOCKREAD:spelling.*: {
  var %d, %link, %info
  sockread %d
  if (%d == $null) { [color:red]msg %spell.chan WORD is spelled Correctly.[/color] }
  if (<td><h2 style="margin-bottom: 2em;">* entr* found for <i>*</i>.</h2> iswm %d) {  }
  if (<p>Did you mean <a href="*">*</a>?</p>* iswm %d) if ($regex(%d,/Did\syou\smean\s\<a[^\>]*\>([^\<]*)\<\/a\>/)) msg %spell.chan " $+ $remove($sockname,spelling.) $+ " is not a word. Did you mean: $regml(1) $+ ?
Obviously all references of WORD would replaced by the word they are checking. As you can see, the line in red will flood if the word was spelled correctly. So how can this be corrected?

Posted By: Lpfix5 Re: spell checker - 28/08/05 01:19 AM
Pay attention to the variables in this scenario and leave if (%d == $null) { msg %spell.chan WORD is spelled Correctly. } too... if (%d == $null) { Return }

you see in this script
if ($1 == !con) ... bot turns on because it sets a variable so before you type !con on your bot your script wont go no where smile

i know nothing about sock reads yet.......
Posted By: HAMM3R Re: spell checker - 28/08/05 03:46 AM
I know that if (%d == $null) should be be set to "return". But it's when %d == $null that the word specified was correctly spelled. So i need a way to message the channel when %d == $null.
Posted By: Lpfix5 Re: spell checker - 28/08/05 04:27 AM
I know that if (%d == $null) should be be set to "return". But it's when %d == $null that the word specified was correctly spelled. So i need a way to message the channel when %d == $null.

np add a break example return | newscript which is msg blah blah
Posted By: HAMM3R Re: spell checker - 28/08/05 05:48 AM
Well, here is what me and a friend were able to come up with:
on *:SOCKREAD:spelling.*: {
  var %d, %link, %info
  sockread %d
  if (%d == $null) { return }
  if (<h2 style="margin-bottom: 2em;">*entr*found for <i>*</i>.</h2> iswm %d) { 
    if ($gettok($gettok(%d,3,32),2,62) isnum) {
      msg %spell.chan $remove($sockname,spelling.) is correct 
    elseif ($gettok($gettok(%d,3,32),2,62) == No) { msg %spell.chan $remove($sockname,spelling.) is incorrect }
  if (<p>Did you mean <a href="*">*</a>?</p>* iswm %d) if ($regex(%d,/Did\syou\smean\s\<a[^\>]*\>([^\<]*)\<\/a\>/)) msg %spell.chan Did you mean: $regml(1) $+ ?
But does anyone know a way to get the "Did you mean: blah?" on the same line as "Blah is incorrect" ????
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