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Posted By: Stealth Consecutive Spaces - 19/08/05 08:37 AM
A while ago I saw a $regsub that inserted a ^O between consecutive spaces. It was something like this:
 $regsub($mid($rawmsg,$calc($pos($rawmsg,$chr(32),3) +2)),/(?<= |^)(?= |$)/g,,%var)  

I was wondering if there were a way to replace every other space with a $chr(160) instead of putting a ^O between each one. This would greatly help clean up some parts of my script.
Posted By: Kelder Re: Consecutive Spaces - 19/08/05 11:31 AM
$regsub($mid($rawmsg,$calc($pos($rawmsg,$chr(32),3) +2)),/\x20\x20/g,$chr(32) $+ $chr(160),%var)

\x20 is just a space, /2spaces/ should work too, you can replace the $chr(160) with the actual character, but you cannot replace the $chr(32) with a space...
Posted By: Riamus2 Re: Consecutive Spaces - 19/08/05 02:53 PM
Remember that not all fonts display $chr(160) as a space. If you use it and someone isn't using a font that supports it, they'll see all kinds of junk. Also, using ^O isn't the best method as it can break your control code scheme (colors/bold/etc). Much better to do something like inserting ^B^B between spaces.
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