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Posted By: SkyD hash table - 13/08/05 07:30 AM
Heyaa! I'm interested to make a hash table, i try but something is wrong and it don't saves test.hsh !!! Please someone make a hashtable which will be in the left and the width will be 100px ~~ ;P and how can i put the dialog on the hash table ??
Posted By: stefys99 Re: hash table - 13/08/05 12:05 PM
Hash tables are storing data, they have no size in pixels. Dialogs are windows, hash tables are a way of storing data. Exemple:
alias comment {
  if (!$hget(nicehash)) hmake nicehash 100
  if ($exists(info.hsh)) hload nicehash info.hsh
  hadd nicehash $1 $2-
  hsave nicehash info.hsh
  hfree nicehash
alias rcomm {
  if (!$hget(nicehash)) hmake nicehash 100
  if ($exists(info.hsh)) hload nicehash info.hsh
  var %a = $hget(nicehash,$1)
  hfree nicehash
  return %a

/comment <nickname> <comment>
//echo -a $rcomm(nickname)
The comment about that nick will be stored in file info.hsh.
/comment stefys a smart guy
//echo -a $rcomm(stefys)
will say "a smart guy" laugh
Posted By: SladeKraven Re: hash table - 13/08/05 02:15 PM
Actually, if you're expecting to store 100 max items then N should be 10, you divide 100 by 10.

Posted By: stefys99 Re: hash table - 13/08/05 07:37 PM
Ok.. then change 100 to 10
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