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Posted By: EnygmaX on kick - 22/07/05 08:10 PM
When someone kicks me from my own channel I want it to go back and op me then ban them.

on *:KICK:#tbmonly: {
if ($nick == $me) { halt }
if ($opnick == $me) {
cs opme
cs deop $chan $nick
cs ban $chan $nick Goodbye

Why doesn't this work ?
Posted By: adazh Re: on kick - 22/07/05 08:35 PM
Not the best, but it should do. Since it's your own channel, I'm assuming CS auto-ops you on join, so the opme command shouldn't be needed.

on *:kick:#tbmonly:{
if ($nick == $me && $knick == $me ) { halt }
if ($nick != $me && $knick == $me) {
join #tbmonly
/timer1 2 1 /mode #tbmonly -o+b $nick $address($nick,2)
/timer2 2 1 /kick #tbmonly $nick Goodbye!

Oops, yeah i was not thinking. I kept the if ($nick == $me ) { halt } so that if you kick yourself, you don't rejoin and ban yourself :tongue:
Posted By: Hrung Re: on kick - 22/07/05 08:53 PM
You probably want to check if ($knick == $me), instead of ($opnick == $me). Adazh's unspoken suggestions (/join #tbmonly, and the /timers on the commands) are probably good too.
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