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Posted By: Rumie DCC poblem - 28/06/05 05:16 AM
why my on open didnt work for dcc? i use on *:open:*:{ echo -a $target } and nothing happend when someone dcc me.. sorry for my english.. hihi tq for helping..
Posted By: DaveC Re: DCC poblem - 28/06/05 05:51 AM
dcc what you ?
Posted By: Rumie Re: DCC poblem - 28/06/05 06:04 AM
when someone send file to me..
Posted By: DaveC Re: DCC poblem - 28/06/05 07:59 AM
echo -st $!filename $filename $!nick $nick $!target $target
var %windowname = Send $target $nopath($filename)
;^ $target well be the same as $me, but $target is the more correct identifier to use.
echo -st %windowname
Posted By: Rumie Re: DCC poblem - 28/06/05 08:05 AM
tq but thats not what i meant.. i want to know what event trigger the dcc window after i click accept.. i use on open but nothing happend.. on *:open:*:{ echo -a blablabla }
Posted By: DaveC Re: DCC poblem - 28/06/05 12:59 PM
there isnt one
Posted By: Riamus2 Re: DCC poblem - 28/06/05 01:04 PM
Rumie, you're missing a part of the on open code.

You used:

on *:open:*: { }

It should be:

on *:open:*:*: { }

First * is level, second is name of the window, third is type of window.

Or, in the case of only wanting it for DCC, you can use:

on *:open:*:=: { }

As far as what even triggered the DCC window, I'm not sure I understand what you're meaning. Do you have an example?
Posted By: DaveC Re: DCC poblem - 28/06/05 01:37 PM
I had written this for something else (closing of dcc sends and gets), but altered it for detecting opening of dcc sends and gets as well.

Now heres the problem, MIRC recons the DCC GET (file sent to you) is open as soon as the dialog is up for if u want to accept it, so this triggers as soon as that window appears, which i guess isnt much different from a CTCP *:DCC SEND *:, however you could then set up a timer to see if the status of the $GET changes, and/or kill the timer if the window is closed.

heres the code, it traps DCC GET/SEND windows OPENING & CLOSING
;Event Trapping DCC GET/SEND windows opening & closing, See SIGNALS at bottom for code to cut and paste into your code.
;*** MISC *** (not used)
alias rd.ms { record.dcc.get.send | check.and.reset }
;*** EVENTS ***
on *:LOAD:       { record.dcc.get.send | check.and.reset }
on *:START:      { record.dcc.get.send | check.and.reset }
on *:FILERCVD:*: { check.and.reset }
on *:FILESENT:*: { check.and.reset }
on *:SENDFAIL:*: { check.and.reset }
on *:GETFAIL:*:  { check.and.reset }
on *:ACTIVE:*:   { if (!$lactive) { check.and.reset } }
on *:UNLOAD:     { .timer.check.dcc.get.send off | hfree -w record.dcc.get | hfree -w record.dcc.send }
;*** ROUTINES ***
alias -l check.and.reset { check.dcc.get.send | .timer.check.dcc.get.send -o 0 1 check.dcc.get.send }
alias -l record.dcc.get.send {
  hadd -m record.dcc.get * | hdel -w record.dcc.get *
  var %i = $get(0)
  hadd record.dcc.get 0 %i
  while (%i) {
    hadd record.dcc.get %i             $get(%i)
    hadd record.dcc.get $+(%i,.ip)     $get(%i).ip
    hadd record.dcc.get $+(%i,.status) $get(%i).status
    hadd record.dcc.get $+(%i,.file)   $get(%i).file
    hadd record.dcc.get $+(%i,.path)   $get(%i).path
    hadd record.dcc.get $+(%i,.size)   $get(%i).size
    hadd record.dcc.get $+(%i,.rcvd)   $get(%i).rcvd
    hadd record.dcc.get $+(%i,.cps)    $get(%i).cps
    hadd record.dcc.get $+(%i,.pc)     $get(%i).pc
    hadd record.dcc.get $+(%i,.secs)   $get(%i).secs
    hadd record.dcc.get $+(%i,.done)   $get(%i).done
    hadd record.dcc.get $+(%i,.resume) $get(%i).resume
    hadd record.dcc.get $+(%i,.wid)    $get(%i).wid
    hadd record.dcc.get $+(%i,.cid)    $get(%i).cid
    hadd record.dcc.get $+(%i,.hwnd)   $get(%i).hwnd
    dec %i
  hadd -m record.dcc.send * | hdel -w record.dcc.send *
  var %i = $send(0)
  hadd record.dcc.send 0 %i
  while (%i) {
    hadd record.dcc.send %i             $send(%i)
    hadd record.dcc.send $+(%i,.ip)     $send(%i).ip
    hadd record.dcc.send $+(%i,.status) $send(%i).status
    hadd record.dcc.send $+(%i,.file)   $send(%i).file
    hadd record.dcc.send $+(%i,.path)   $send(%i).path
    hadd record.dcc.send $+(%i,.size)   $send(%i).size
    hadd record.dcc.send $+(%i,.sent)   $send(%i).sent
    hadd record.dcc.send $+(%i,.lra)    $send(%i).lra
    hadd record.dcc.send $+(%i,.cps)    $send(%i).cps
    hadd record.dcc.send $+(%i,.pc)     $send(%i).pc
    hadd record.dcc.send $+(%i,.secs)   $send(%i).secs
    hadd record.dcc.send $+(%i,.done)   $send(%i).done
    hadd record.dcc.send $+(%i,.resume) $send(%i).resume
    hadd record.dcc.send $+(%i,.wid)    $send(%i).wid
    hadd record.dcc.send $+(%i,.cid)    $send(%i).cid
    hadd record.dcc.send $+(%i,.hwnd)   $send(%i).hwnd
    dec %i
alias -l check.dcc.get.send {
  hadd -m record.dcc.get *.present | hdel -w record.dcc.get *.present
  var %i = $get(0)
  while (%i) {
    var %hwnd = $get(%i).hwnd
    var %c = $hfind(record.dcc.get,%hwnd,0).data
    var %found = $false
    while (%c) {
      if (*.hwnd iswm $hfind(record.dcc.get,%hwnd,%c).data) {
        hadd record.dcc.get $+($gettok($v2,1,46),.present) $true
        var %found = $true
      dec %c
    if (!%found) { .signal dcc.get.opened $+($get(%i),>,$get(%i).ip,>,$get(%i).status,>,$get(%i).file,>,$get(%i).path,>,$get(%i).size,>,$get(%i).rcvd,>,$get(%i).cps,>,$get(%i).pc,>,$get(%i).secs,>,$get(%i).done,>,$get(%i).resume,>,$get(%i).wid,>,$get(%i).cid,>,$get(%i).hwnd) }
    dec %i
  var %i = $rd.get(0)
  while (%i) {
    if (!$rd.get(%i).present) { .signal dcc.get.closed $+($rd.get(%i),>,$rd.get(%i).ip,>,$rd.get(%i).status,>,$rd.get(%i).file,>,$rd.get(%i).path,>,$rd.get(%i).size,>,$rd.get(%i).rcvd,>,$rd.get(%i).cps,>,$rd.get(%i).pc,>,$rd.get(%i).secs,>,$rd.get(%i).done,>,$rd.get(%i).resume,>,$rd.get(%i).wid,>,$rd.get(%i).cid,>,$rd.get(%i).hwnd) }
    dec %i
  hadd -m record.dcc.send *.present | hdel -w record.dcc.send *.present
  var %i = $send(0)
  while (%i) {
    var %hwnd = $send(%i).hwnd
    var %c = $hfind(record.dcc.send,%hwnd,0).data
    var %found = $false
    while (%c) {
      if (*.hwnd iswm $hfind(record.dcc.send,%hwnd,%c).data) {
        hadd record.dcc.send $+($gettok($v2,1,46),.present) $true
        var %found = $true
      dec %c
    if (!%found) { .signal dcc.send.opened $+($send(%i),>,$send(%i).ip,>,$send(%i).status,>,$send(%i).file,>,$send(%i).path,>,$send(%i).size,>,$send(%i).sent,>,$send(%i).lra,>,$send(%i).cps,>,$send(%i).pc,>,$send(%i).secs,>,$send(%i).done,>,$send(%i).resume,>,$send(%i).wid,>,$send(%i).cid,>,$send(%i).hwnd) }
    dec %i
  var %i = $rd.send(0)
  while (%i) {
    if (!$rd.send(%i).present) { .signal dcc.send.closed $+($rd.send(%i),>,$rd.send(%i).ip,>,$rd.send(%i).status,>,$rd.send(%i).file,>,$rd.send(%i).path,>,$rd.send(%i).size,>,$rd.send(%i).sent,>,$rd.send(%i).lra,>,$rd.send(%i).cps,>,$rd.send(%i).pc,>,$rd.send(%i).secs,>,$rd.send(%i).done,>,$rd.send(%i).resume,>,$rd.send(%i).wid,>,$rd.send(%i).cid,>,$rd.send(%i).hwnd) }
    dec %i
alias -l rd.get  { return $hget(record.dcc.get ,$iif($len($prop),$+($1,.,$prop),$1)) }
alias -l rd.send { return $hget(record.dcc.send,$iif($len($prop),$+($1,.,$prop),$1)) }
;------------------------------[Copy code below here and use within your scripts]------------------------------
;*** SIGNALS ***
;In dcc.get.opened $1 to $15 = nick ip status file path size rcvd cps pc secs done resume wid cid hwnd
;&  dcc.get.closed $1 to $15 = nick ip status file path size rcvd cps pc secs done resume wid cid hwnd
;& dcc.send.opened $1 to $16 = nick ip status file path size sent lra cps pc secs done resume wid cid hwnd
;& dcc.send.closed $1 to $16 = nick ip status file path size sent lra cps pc secs done resume wid cid hwnd
;^ the above assumes you have used TOKENIZE 62 $1- as each value is seperated by a > $chr(62)
;NB:file & path may contain spaces these values are still held in $4 & $5 respectively
on *:SIGNAL:dcc.get.opened: { tokenize 62 $1- | echo -st EVENT SIGNAL:dcc.get.opened: $1- }
on *:SIGNAL:dcc.get.closed: { tokenize 62 $1- | echo -st EVENT SIGNAL:dcc.get.closed: $1- }
on *:SIGNAL:dcc.send.opened:{ tokenize 62 $1- | echo -st EVENT SIGNAL:dcc.send.opened: $1- }
on *:SIGNAL:dcc.send.closed:{ tokenize 62 $1- | echo -st EVENT SIGNAL:dcc.send.closed: $1- }
Posted By: Rumie Re: DCC poblem - 28/06/05 02:02 PM
wooo.. hehehe look confusing.. i think i'll use timer.. tq
Posted By: Riamus2 Re: DCC poblem - 28/06/05 02:05 PM
Lol. I'm glad I just have auto-accept so I don't have to worry about such things. laugh

Since I have a log of anything received, I can easily tell if someone sends something that I don't want.
Posted By: tidy_trax Re: DCC poblem - 28/06/05 04:09 PM
On open doesn't need the matchtext parameter. If you omit it then it's the same as if you had supplied * as a matchtext.
Posted By: Sat Re: DCC poblem - 28/06/05 04:20 PM
Not exactly, and it's therefore good practice to add the matchtext field when possible. Compare these two:

on ^*:open:?:*:{ echo -s got message from $nick $+ : $1- | halt }
on ^*:open:?:{ echo -s got message from $nick $+ : $1- | halt }

The first one will work, the second one won't (because of the : in the echo command).
Posted By: DaveC Re: DCC poblem - 28/06/05 08:49 PM
I cant even think of what he wants to do on an ON OPEN DCC SEND WINDOW event, but it was as easy as 4 extra lines to add it, so there it was.
As for what i get sent i might nto want, yeah i do the same keeping a log, but then again, i only ever download edu materials (honest!)
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