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Posted By: phrozenfire Auto-Update - 19/02/03 12:17 PM
I have an auto-update script. But, how could I make it so that it will (using sockets I assume) make sure the file is actually on the webserver before opening the dialog.

Usage: /download <URL> <Destanation dir> Example: /download http://www.mirc-help.de/mirc/mirc603.exe c:\

How could I make sure that mirc603.exe is actually there before doing it? Thanks.
Posted By: eyeffect Re: Auto-Update - 19/02/03 12:24 PM
I think $sockerr should do the trick
Posted By: xrn0id Re: Auto-Update - 19/02/03 12:29 PM
if ($sockerr > 0) return
Posted By: Hammer Re: Auto-Update - 19/02/03 07:58 PM
$sockerr is used if there is a problem with the socket, not if the destination file is not there. If you get a HTTP 404 - File not found, you'll still get the text of the 404 message, not a $sockerr.

If $sockerr is non-zero, that lets you know to check $sock($sockname).wserr and $sock($sockname).wsmsg to retrieve the error number and message, respectively. Those will be errors like Connection reset by peer, Network unreachable, etc.

In order to check to see if the file exists, you could try to GET the file -- if the file is there, you can download it. If it's not there, you will be able to determine that because you'll see the 404 message (sometimes a custom one, depending on the choices made by the web server administrator).

alias download {
  if !$isdir($mircdirSDownload) { mkdir $mircdirScriptedDownloads }
  set -u600 %«»FN $+(/,$gettok($remove($$1, http://), 2-, 47))
  set -u600 %«»Dir $iif($2, $2-, $mircdirScriptedDownloads\)
  if ($right(%«»Dir, 1) != \) set -u600 %«»Dir $+(%«»Dir, \)
  if !$isdir(%«»Dir) {
    var %i = 2, %levels = $numtok(%«»Dir, 92)
    while %i &lt;= %levels {
      if (!$isdir($gettok(%«»Dir, $+(1-,%i), 92))) mkdir $+(", $gettok(%«»Dir, $+(1-,%i), 92), ")
      inc %i
  var %sockname = $+(download, $ticks)
  sockopen %sockname $gettok($remove($$1, http://), 1, 47) 80
on *:SOCKOPEN:download*:{
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET %«»FN HTTP/1.0
  set -u600 %«»FN $+($mircdirScriptedDownloads\,$gettok(%«»FN, -1, 47))
  sockwrite $sockname $crlf
on *:SOCKREAD:download*:{
  if $sockerr &gt; 0 {
    echo $color(ctcp) -eabflirt Socket error: $+([, $sock($sockname).wserr, ]) $sock($sockname).wsmsg
  if %«»Read != 1 {
    var %text
    while 1 {
      sockread %text
      if (!$sockbr) return
      if %text == HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found {
        echo $color(ctcp) -eabflirt * HTTP/1.1 404 File %«»Read.Filename not found!
        sockclose $sockname
      elseif $regex(%text, /^Content-Length: (\d+)$/) == 1 { set -u600 %«»Bytes.To.Read $regml(1) }
      elseif (!%text) break
    write -c %«»FN
    set %«»Ticks $ticks
  set -u10 %«»Read 1
  while 1 {
    sockread &amp;code
    if (!$sockbr) return
    bwrite %«»FN -1 &amp;code
    if $file(%«»FN).size == %«»Bytes.To.Read {
      var %secs = $round($calc(($ticks - %«»Ticks) / 1000), 0)
      var %size = $file(%«»FN).size
      var %xfer = $+([, $bytes($round($calc(%size / %secs), 0), 3).suf, /sec])
      var %target = $+(", %«»Dir, $nopath(%«»FN), ")
      echo $color(info2) -eabflirt * Downloaded %target $bytes(%size, 3).suf in $gmt(%secs, n:ss) %xfer
      if $isfile(%target) &amp;&amp; $mircdirScriptedDownloads\ != %«»Dir { .rename %target $+(", $remove(%target,"), .old, ") }
      .rename %«»FN %target
      unset %«»* 

/download http[/b]://www.mirc-help.de/mirc/mirc603.exe C:\Program Files\mIRC\test

EDIT: Fixed 2 problems. Missing { } after an if condition and changed the script NOT to default to downloading into $mircdir, but into $mircdirScriptedDownloads instead...wouldn't want to /download http:[/b]//someplace.com/mirc.exe or http:[/b]//someplace.else.com/mirc.ini.
Posted By: KanKouni Re: Auto-Update Error - 24/08/03 01:50 PM
There is an Error in your Update addon Code please fix it becuase i wold like to use that code
* /set: invalid parameters (line 35, script1.ini)

Thank You grin
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