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Posted By: Cyboged An auto personal message script - 08/05/05 05:04 PM

I have been finding it hard to make this script. It is a script that auto messages people when they join a certain channel, though I want the message to not be sent to people who have access to the channel.

This is hard because there are so many people with access and it is regularly changed. Also people who have access to the channel may change their nick to a different one so I really want the address excluded (everything after the @).

Please HELP!
Posted By: SladeKraven Re: An auto personal message script - 08/05/05 05:23 PM
Why don't you add the users who have access to channel in the User List?

/auser ChanAccess <nick>

On 1:Join:[color:red]#Channel[/color]: {
  msg $chan &lt;Your message&gt;

Posted By: Cyboged Re: An auto personal message script - 08/05/05 05:27 PM
i want to exclude the everyone in the acces list, but it keeps changing also the nicknames do, so its better to exclude their address (everything after@ )
Posted By: SladeKraven Re: An auto personal message script - 08/05/05 05:35 PM
That will message the channel when someone joins who is not in the access list (providing you add the nicknames as I showed above). It also excludes the Address and sets focus on just their nicknames (Nickname!*@*).

/auser ChanAccess:Andy!*@* - excludes Andy from the following event as he is not level 1.

On [color:red]1[/color]:Join:[color:red]#Channel[/color]: {
  msg $chan &lt;Message&gt;

As it's level 1 anyone with ChanAccess level wont be messaged.

Posted By: Cyboged Re: An auto personal message script - 08/05/05 05:44 PM
I dont think i am making my slef clear,

I am trying to create a script that sends a personal message to people when they join the channel, though if a person joins who has access in that channel I dont want my bot to send it a message.

The access list is changed from time to time so I want the script to be up to date at all times. An access user could change his name, therefore when he/she joins with a new name, my bot will send it a message but I dont want it to.
Posted By: Kelder Re: An auto personal message script - 08/05/05 09:35 PM
Instead of /auser use /gusert -a ChanAccess nick 3 for example. Make sure nick is online when you type that. This will lookup the address for that nick and add it with a type 3 mask (see /help $mask for the different types)

on ChanAccess:JOIN:#Channel: { }
on @*:JOIN:#Channel: {
msg $chan <Message>

The @ only send the message when you're opped, this also prevents you from messaging yourself when you join smile

The access list is changed from time to time so I want the script to be up to date at all times.

This is not possible, you won't even know when someone is added to the channel access list unless you add all users yourself or own the ircd or something.

So, either ask all people with access to send you a message when they get access or ask channel services for the list once in a while (if that's possible). Asking for the list each time someone joins is the best way to get you floodkicked or worse...
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