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Posted By: Abuser__ Limit help - 06/05/05 01:21 PM
Ok I ve got that script:

alias -l chl.dlg { dialog -m chlimit chlimit }
alias -l chl.dlg2 { dialog -m chadd chadd }
alias -l chl.del {
  var %c = $hget(chltbl,$did(2).sel).item
  if (%chl.emode == on) { var %m = on | set %chl.emode off }
  if ($me isop %c) { mode %c -l }
  hdel chltbl %c
  if (%m == on) { set %chl.emode on }

alias -l chl.load {
  var %x = 1
  did -r chlimit 2
  while ($hget(chltbl,%x).item != $null) {
    var %y = $hget(chltbl,%x).item
    did -a chlimit 2 %y
    inc %x

dialog chlimit {
  title "Limit zaščita by Master^MC"
  size -1 -1 177 98
  option dbu
  list 2, 3 11 130 59, size vsbar
  button "Ok", 6, 74 85 35 11, ok
  check "Uporabi silo, ko nastavijo -l?", 3, 3 71 86 10
  button "Dodaj", 4, 139 11 35 11
  button "Uredi", 5, 139 28 35 11
  button "Odstrani", 7, 139 45 35 11
  text "Kanali", 1, 3 2 25 8

on *:dialog:chlimit:sclick:*:{
  if ($did == 3) { 
    if ($did(3).state == 0) { set %chl.emode off }
    if ($did(3).state == 1) { set %chl.emode on } 
  if ($did == 4) { chl.dlg2 }
  if ($did == 5) { 
    did -a chadd 8 $hget(chltbl,$did(2).sel).item 
    did -a chadd 10 $hget(chltbl,$did(2).sel)
  if ($did == 7) { chl.del }

on *:dialog:chlimit:init:*:{
  if (%chl.emode == on) { did -c $dname 3 }

dialog chadd {
  title "Kanalni limit"
  size -1 -1 137 46
  option dbu
  text "Kanal:", 7, 3 5 25 8
  edit "", 8, 29 4 105 10
  text "Limit (kolikšna razlika):", 9, 3 18 92 8
  edit "", 10, 96 17 38 10
  button "Dodaj", 3, 55 33 35 11
  button "Button", 1, 95 33 37 12, hide ok

on *:dialog:chadd:sclick:3:{
  if ($did(8) != $null) && ($did(10) != $null) {
    if ($left($did(8),1) != $chr(35)) { 
      var %x = $chr(35) $+ $did(8),%y = $did(10)
      hadd chltbl %x $did(10) 
    if ($left($did(8),1) == $chr(35)) { 
      var %x = $did(8),%y = $did(10)
      hadd chltbl %x $did(10) 
    if ($me isop %x) {
      var %a = $nick(%x,0)
      mode %x +l $calc(%a + %y)
    dialog -x chadd chadd

menu menubar,channel {
  .Nastavitve:{ chl.dlg }
  .Pomoč:{ run $+(",$scriptdirchanlimit-help.txt,") }

on @*:join:#:{
  var %x = 0
  while ($hget(chltbl,%x).item != $null) {
    var %a = $hget(chltbl,%x).item
    if ($chan == %a) {
      var %y = $nick(#,0),%z = $hget(chltbl,$chan)
      .timer 1 9 mode $chan +l $calc(%y + %z)
    inc %x

on @!*:part:#:{
  var %x = 0
  while ($hget(chltbl,%x).item != $null) {
    var %a = $hget(chltbl,%x).item
    if ($chan == %a) {
      var %y = $nick(#,0),%z = $hget(chltbl,$chan)
      .timer 1 9 mode $chan +l $calc((%y + %z)-1)
    inc %x

on @*:kick:#:{
  if ($knick == $me) { halt }  
  var %x = 0
  while ($hget(chltbl,%x).item != $null) {
    var %a = $hget(chltbl,%x).item
    if ($chan == %a) {
      var %y = $nick(#,0),%z = $hget(chltbl,$chan)
      .timer 1 9 mode $chan +l $calc((%y + %z)-1)
    inc %x

on @*:quit:{
  var %x = 1
  while ($comchan($nick,%x) != $null) {
    var %a = $hget(chltbl,%x).item,%b = $comchan($nick,%x)
    if (%b == %a) {
      var %y = $nick(%a,0),%z = $hget(chltbl,%a)
      .timer 1 9 mode %a +l $calc((%y + %z)-1)
    inc %x

on @*:mode:#:{
  if (%chl.emode == on) {  
    if ($1- == -l) {
      var %x = 0
      while ($hget(chltbl,%x).item != $null) {
        var %a = $hget(chltbl,%x).item
        if ($chan == %a) {
          var %y = $nick(#,0),%z = $hget(chltbl,$chan)
          .timer 1 1 mode $chan +l $calc(%y + %z)
        inc %x

on *:load:{ 
  if ($version >= 6.15) {
    set %chl.emode off
  else { echo -a 2Sorry, this addon requires mIRC 6.15. Please download the latest version from www.mirc.com 
    .unload -rs $+(",$script,") 

on *:unload:{
  unset %chl.emode
  if ($hget(chltbl) != $null) { hfree chltbl }
  echo -a 4Channel Limiter successfully unloaded.

on *:exit:{ hsave -o chltbl $+(",$scriptdirchanlimit.dat,") }
on *:start:{ hmake chltbl 50 
  if ($isfile($+(",$scriptdirchanlimit.dat,"))) { hload chltbl $+(",$scriptdirchanlimit.dat,") }

I want to add the user level 2000 comands like !limitchan #chan (ads a chan for setting limit) and !setdif #chan difference (how larger will the limit be).

Thanks wink
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