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Posted By: Onion_Knight Couple of questions - 17/04/05 05:46 PM
1. Is there any way to retrieve the address of a user? I know about $address but it uses the internal address list. What if I want to know the address of someone not in it?

2. I have a problem with timestamps and colors. If you put the color code character next to a digit like HH, mm or ss it will take those numbers with it as an argument, is there anyway to work around it? The only sollution I have found so far is adding spaces which also makes it ugly and take up more space.

3. I made it so that whenever someone highlights me it will also change the tray icon in case I was afk or something like that and didn't hear the sound. I use on ACTIVE to change it back to normal but it only occurs when changing window focus, not when restoring mIRC after being minimized to tray. It's not that much of a problem but is there a way to make it work or do I have to live with it?

4. on JOIN seems to only check when other people join a channel, not yourself. There are some initialization things I'd like to do when I join a channel such as changing window pos and size. How?
Posted By: tidy_trax Re: Couple of questions - 17/04/05 05:51 PM
1) Use /whois, /who, /userhost or /userip

2) Use double digit colour codes (Eg: ^k03 instead of ^k3).

3) I don't understand what you're asking.


On join also fires when you join a channel.
Two ways:

on me:*:join:#:{ dostuff }

on *:join:#:{
  if ($nick == $me) { dostuff }
Posted By: Onion_Knight Re: Couple of questions - 17/04/05 06:07 PM
Thanks! And as for 3, to make it short: I need something that reacts when mIRC is being minmized or maximized.
Posted By: tidy_trax Re: Couple of questions - 17/04/05 06:13 PM
on *:appactive:{
  if ($istok(minimized tray, $appstate, 32)) { 
    ; mIRC was minimized 
  else {
    ; mIRC was restored/maximized.
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