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Posted By: xrn0id how do I grab info from an /whois? - 16/02/03 09:59 PM
i want to grab the server from /whois $nick. How can a script do this?
Posted By: MonoSex Re: how do I grab info from an /whois? - 16/02/03 10:21 PM
raw 312:*:{ echo The server is - $3 }

Server info is in $4-
Posted By: hyp0r Re: how do I grab info from an /whois? - 17/02/03 03:33 AM
I'm bored...

;- whois in a dialog window!
raw 311:*: {
  did -o whois 110 1 $2
  did -o whois 120 1 $3
  did -o whois 130 1 $4
  did -o whois 140 1 $6-

raw 312:*: {
  did -o whois 210 1 $3
  did -o whois 220 1 $4-

raw 317:*: {
  did -o whois 410 1 $duration($3)

raw 319:*: {
  %channel = 3
  while (1) {
    if ($eval($ $+ %channel,2)) {
      if ($left($eval($ $+ %channel,2),1) == @) {
        ;- oped
        did -a whois 305 $right($eval($ $+ %channel,2),-1)
      elseif ($left($eval($ $+ %channel,2),1) == +) {
        ;- voiced
        did -a whois 305 $right($eval($ $+ %channel,2),-1)
      else did -a whois 305 $eval($ $+ %channel,2)
    else break
    inc %channel
  unset %channel

alias openwhois {
  if (!$dialog(whois)) {
    dialog -m whois whois

dialog whois {
  title "whois dialog"
  size -1 -1 400 320
  option pixels

  box "User", 100, 10 10 380 110
  text "Nick", 105, 20 30 60 20, right
  edit "", 110, 85 25 90 20, read
  text "User", 115, 215 30 60 20, right
  edit "", 120, 280 25 90 20, read
  text "Host", 125, 20 60 60 20, right
  edit "", 130, 85 55 285 20, read
  text "Real Name", 135, 20 90 60 20, right
  edit "", 140, 85 85 285 20, read

  box "Server", 200, 10 130 185 110
  text "Server", 205, 20 150 60 20, right
  edit "", 210, 85 145 90 20, read
  text "Server Info", 215, 20 180 60 20, right
  edit "", 220, 85 175 90 50, read multi limit 255

  box "Channels", 300, 205 130 185 180
  list 305, 220 150 155 150, read vsbar autohs

  box "Idle", 400, 10 250 185 60
  edit "", 410, 25 270 160 20, read

Maybe someone will find something there that’s useful, who knows, I think it's all useless. lol. Have fun with it!
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