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Posted By: Asmoranomar Flood help - 16/02/03 12:32 AM
I haven't scripted in a LONG time and i've just started again.
I searched the boards but i couldn't find anything relavant to my question, but if its been answered please redirect me.

When creating a popup, how do i loop thru a list of selected people and perform the operations on each one without flooding? ex: whois a list of 50+ people, or ban 50+ addresses

I cant seem to pause my code temporarly and i always end up flooding off.
Posted By: MikeChat Re: Flood help - 16/02/03 01:53 AM
use two aliases and a timer
/whoall {
var %allnicks = $nick(#,0)
var %i = 1
while (%i <= %allnicks) {
set %whonicks %whonicks $nick(#,%i)
inc %i
set %nickcount $getttok(%whonicks,0,32)
var %split3 = $round($calc(%allnicks / 3),0)
.timerwhoall %split3 1 whoall2
/whoall2 {
if (%nickcount > 0) {
whois $nick(#,$gettok(%whoall,%nickcount,32)
dec %nickcount
whois $nick(#,$gettok(%whoall,%nickcount,32)
dec %nickcount
whois $nick(#,$gettok(%whoall,%nickcount,32)
dec %nickcount
else {
unset %nickcount
unset %whoall
ehh I didnt test this but it should work with little tweaking
Posted By: Asmoranomar Re: Flood help - 16/02/03 02:11 AM
I see where your going with that, and it'll work fine for the whois case.

But how do you make a script execute say.... 5 kick cases at a time then pause for 3 sec then kick 5 more, then pause, etc.

The only reason i ask is because in your case it pauses after every step, if there was a flood or something going on you'd want to do it as fast as possible without flooding. (i know about events, im just using this as an oddball example)
Posted By: gemeau50 Re: Flood help - 16/02/03 04:19 AM
What about the following:

Options / IRC / Flood
Enable "Queue: Ops commands

Posted By: Asmoranomar Re: Flood help - 16/02/03 04:48 AM
That only helps when your script is responding to events.

What i want is triggered via popup. (and i tested it by enabling it)

Thanks for the info tho.
Posted By: gerdigos Re: Flood help - 16/02/03 05:27 PM
Try changing the timer's parameters. For that refer to help's /timer command. I don't know if i'm right or saying nonsense, as i haven't read the code provided. smirk
Posted By: Asmoranomar Re: Flood help - 16/02/03 05:35 PM
This is in the help file:

"Flood protection attempts to prevent you from flooding a server with messages sent in response to requests from other users via CTCP or a script.

Flooding usually results in your being disconnected from IRC servers since they place a limit on how much information you can send at one time.

mIRC will count the number of bytes you send to a server, and will initiate a flood check if you exceed a certain maximum number of bytes."

Based on what i have experienced with the flood protection and what i have read. The flood protection only stops you from flooding when your scripts respond to events. What i'm trying to do is not an event its a popup command that is manually activated. I just want something to prevent me from flooding off when i do group kicks or whois a group of ppl.

If im wrong i'd appreciate someone helping me walk thru each option in the flood protection.
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