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Posted By: ThE_mASk The /whois - 14/02/03 12:43 PM
I have this script:
raw 311:*: {
echo 11 -a _________________________[Whois Info]________________________
echo $color(whois text) -a * NickName: [ $+ $2 $+ ]
echo $color(whois text) -a * Address: [ $+ $3 $+ @ $+ $4 $+ ]
echo $color(whois text) -a * Real Name: [ $+ $6- $+ ]
raw 319:*: { echo $color(whois text) -a * Channels: [ $+ $sorttok($3-,32,c) $+ ] | halt }
raw 312:*: { echo $color(whois text) -a * Server: [ $+ $3 $+ ] ( $+ $4- $+ ) | halt }
raw 301:*: { echo $color(whois text) -a * Away: [ $+ $3- $+ ] | halt }
raw 313:*: { echo $color(whois text) -a * Status: [ $+ $5- $+ ] | halt }
raw 317:*: {
echo $color(whois text) -a * Idle time: [ $+ $duration($3) $+ ] ( $+ $asctime($4) $+ )
raw 318:*: { echo 11 -a _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ End of Whois Info _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ | linesep -s | halt }

How can I make it to show the whois in the query window when someone opens query with me and in the active in all the other cases? Because with this one when someone says something to me on query for the first time it shows the /whois in the channel I am looking in the moment. And that is very unconvinient...

Posted By: Hammer Re: The /whois - 14/02/03 04:29 PM
raw 3##:{ echo $color(whois) $iif(!$query($2),-abflirt,-bflirt $2) ............
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