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Well, I pasted the code into the "remote" script editor.

on ^*:open:?:*:{
if (*porn* iswm $1-) || (*XXX* iswm $1-) {
.msg $nick Spam has been detected, your message has been blocked.
.ignore -pn $nick 3

I also d/l and loaded an anti-spam script. They are STILL getting thru? Is there no end? Nothing that can stop them?
Im still getting this via private msg........

You can find DVD Quality Amateur Porn Movies here => http://

Please if anyone has a suggestion or fix.. let me know! confused
The code above should work, I tested it in my own copy of mIRC to make sure. Ensure that:

a) You have it in a NEW remote file, no other code with it.
b) You have your Remotes enabled, type /remote on
c) The code is on multiple lines like above, not on one long line.

Try adding $strip()
  • if (*porn* iswm $strip($1-)) || (*XXX* iswm $strip($1-)) {
yeah the sneaky shits put double bold (CTRL-B CTRL-B) in so u dont know its there on some of the spam ads. Also use $chr(160) instead of a space. Im just glad they havent worked out how to do a anti automation scripts, like invision has with its asciizer of its text. A changes to Å etc.
Ive tried everything that was suggested above. Thet are STILL able to send me prt message spam/ads. I GIVE UP!
on $^*:OPEN:?:/^(b+u+n+a+|c+h*i+a+o+|c+h+a+u+|h+(a|e)*i*(y|ý)*o*u*|h*(e|a)+l+o+|h*o+l+a+s*|s+a+l+u*t*d*|s+l+m+|y+o+)(?=[\x20-\x2E\x3A-\x3F\x5B-\x60\x7B-\xFF]|$)|^.$|(?<=^|[\x20-\x2E\x3A-\x3F\x5B-\x60\x7B-\xFF])(asl|ca va|ctc|faci|friends?|http\x3a//\S+|r u|www\.\S+)(?=[\x20-\x2E\x3A-\x3F\x5B-\x60\x7B-\xFF]|$)/iS: halt
Checking for numbers in the www. part (Eg: www2.site.com) and s in http for ssl sites (https://) wouldn't be a bad idea. smile

on $^*:OPEN:?:/^(b+u+n+a+|c+h*i+a+o+|c+h+a+u+|h+(a|e)*i*(y|ý)*o*u*|h*(e|a)+l+o+|h*o+l+a+s*|s+a+l+u*t*d*|s+l+m+|y+o+)(?=[\x20-\x2E\x3A-\x3F\x5B-\x60\x7B-\xFF]|$)|^.$|(?<=^|[\x20-\x2E\x3A-\x3F\x5B-\x60\x7B-\xFF])(asl|ca va|ctc|faci|friends?|https?\x3a//\S+|r u|www\d?\.\S+)(?=[\x20-\x2E\x3A-\x3F\x5B-\x60\x7B-\xFF]|$)/iS: halt
OK..... I added both versions of the new codes above.. exactly as they were posted..line breaks and all. I added them each as their own little stand alone script. I will keep fingers and toes crossed! Many thanks again!!
NOPE......... they are STILL getting thru!!! This is unbelievable!
The lines Hammer and tidy_trax gave should actually all be on a single line this time. Don't put spaces between the different line parts either. Also make sure it's at the top of your script.mrc or make a new file in the editor and then try to set it first. The on OPEN trigger also only works if new private messages appear in a new window. If you enabled the dedicated message window it won't work... Remotes should also be on, but that's usually the case, otherwise type /remote on in a window.

Hope it works for you then...
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