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I'm Tring To Find THis Code, But I Failed i Cant. Any OF you Can Help Me With it Please ? Kick user With F-Keys whoever join on the Channal ? as Like

Test (Test@C17D1E4B.59794BFE.ABDBD44A.IP) has joined #A

By Pressing F-Keys Can I Ban him/her ?

*Can Anyone Help me out with the code Please ?
on 1:join:[color:red]#channel[/color]: { set %fkey.join $nick }
alias F[color:green]5[/color] {
  ban -k $chan %fkey.join 2 Banned

In red is where you set your channel. in green is the F key you want, this will only work on the last joined user, I also dont recommend using this on large channels where a lot of people join and part. This code goes in the remote editor (ALT+R)
I answered you here.
Please do not cross post, it is annoying and it wastes someone's time when you've already been helped elsewhere and end up getting unnecessary answers.

Thnks you ? and sorry i didnt wanted to past it twice i tho i post it on wrote please thats why i did it again in here thnks once agaiN! can u help me with the other one ? BOTNET ? THNKS !
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