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Hey, im busy witha dialog and im trying to make a list but there is no where on the web a tutorial or anything how to add "information" into a list. I read /did -a but cant figure it out.

Anyone got an example?
/did -a dialogname id blahblah
thats not really what I ment.

I got this script.. nnscript its got a function /chanstats

Offcourse the script is so big and I can not find everything which has to do with the dialog so really cant tell what does what.

I need an proper example (yours is to small) of a dialog using a list with information in it.

Having spaces and multiple catogorys

(mydialog is currently looking like this)


dialog chanstts {
  title Bouncer statistics (Admin)
  size -1 -1 257 172
  option dbu
  box "Bouncer Users",3,2 1 253 48
  text "Total users",4,6 11 28 7,right
  text "Online",6,88 11 31 7,right
  text "Offline",9,177 11 30 7,right
  edit "0",11,36 9 20 11,read center
  edit "0",15,121 9 20 11,read center
  edit "0",21,209 9 20 11,read center
  text "",30,1 158 211 12
  list 2,1 51 255 105,size
  button "&Ok",1,215 158 40 12,disable ok
  button "&Cancel",31,-10 -10 1 1,cancel

on *:dialog:chanstts:*:*:{
  mdx SetMircVersion $version
  mdx MarkDialog $dname $dialog($dname).hwnd
  mdx SetControlMDX $dname 2 ListView report showsel single rowselect > script\mdx\views.mdx
  did -i $dname 2 1 headerdims 75:1 75:2 75:3 75:4 75:5 75:6 
  did -i $dname 2 1 headertext  0 Status	+ 0 Nick	+ 0 ident	+ 0 Server	 Name	+ 0 Last	
  mdx SetFont $dname 2 11 300 Tahoma

As you probably see i want info in the list...

how? how can I get it under the right bar and the right info in there?

example anyone?
Im not exactly sure what you mean by info in info in the lists. Do you mean you want text in the headers, or text in the list or what.
What i think he's saying is that getting the info into the list box isnt the problem, but having the info in rows within the list box.
Mdx will do it, but as i dont use mdx, i couldnt begin to tell you how.
Well, if thats what hes saying, you have to do
did -i $dname 2 1 headertext  Status $+ $chr(9) $+ Nick $+ $chr(9) $+  ident  $+ $chr(9) $+ Server $+ $chr(9) $+ Name $+ $chr(9) $+ Last   
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