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Hello, not sure if the topic describes this as well as i could. But here's the script with an explanation of what i am in need of:

on *:join:#:{
  set %random $time(ss)
  $read(quotesubmitter.txt, w, * $+ $nick $+ *, %random)
  if ($readn = 0) {
    /msg # Autoquote function error! (no quotes for user/buggy coding)
  else {
    /msg # Random Quote Submitted by: $nick
    /msg # Quote  $chr(35) $+ $readn $+ : $read(quotes.txt, $readn)

as you can see when somone joins a channel it searches a text file (quotesubmitter.txt) to find the nick of the user who just joined.
when it finds a match, it uses $readn to call the same line from quotes.txt which corresponds to quotesubmitter.txt.

now the problem: what i don't want is for it to print the same quote every time the same person joins. So i need a way to make it start on a random line, so it will print basicly a random quote (submitted by that user) every time they join. The way i have done it was quick but buggy, ie, it returns 0 alot.

So if somone could come up with something tricky to make this less buggy and more effecient, i would gladly steal it laugh

thanks in advance.
Here's a custom identifier you can use to get a random line from a file based on a wildmatch:

; $getrline(<file>,<wildmatch>)

alias getrline {
  if ($0 = 1) set -u %tmp %tmp $gettok($1,1,32)
  else {
    %tmp = 
    filter -nfk " $+ $1" getrline $2
    return $read($1,nt,$gettok(%tmp,$r(1,$numtok(%tmp,32)),32))

So in your case you'd use $getrline(quotesubmitter.txt,* $+ $nick $+ *)
sorry i'm not too familiar with the /filter command. But i seem to be getting this error when I use your alias.

* /filter: invalid window (line 7, quotes.mrc)

I added the alias to the top of my "quotes.mrc" remote script and changed the required aliases. Am I doing something wrong?
Forgot to mention, you need mIRC version 6.15 or newer to use that (since the 'k' switch of /filter was only implemented recently)
That's a nice alias, I like the recursion.

It would become a problem (as you know) when there are too many matching lines in the file, giving /set string too long error.

One could also use this approach:

alias getrline { 
  window -h @@ 
  filter -fw " $+ $1" @@ $$2 
  var %a = $iif($filtered,$line(@@,$r(1,$ifmatch)))
  close -@ @@ 
  return %a 

If there's something I like about mIRC, it's that you can achieve the same things, using different techniques.

Cya Sigh

EDIT: Post #666 evil grin
With either of those aliases, how would i get the line number that $getrline called, like with the $readn command. Since all $getrline seems to be able to return is the actual contents of a line.
alias getrline { 
  window -n @@ 
  filter -fw[color:red]n[/color] " $+ $1" @@ $$2 
  var %a = $iif($filtered,$line(@@,$r(1,$ifmatch)))
  close -@ @@ 
  return %a 

By adding the n switch, the numbers that are filtered to the hidden window are preceeded by their line number. In other words, if there are matches, the variable %a will hold the following:

%a --> $1 = line number, $2- = quote

ah, but how can i seperate that into two different variables, or make it return either $1 or $2?
Just parse the result.


//tokenize 32 $getrline(quotes.txt,*hello*) | echo -a Line number: $1 ** Quote: $2-

//var %full = $getrline(quotes.txt,*hehe*), %number = $gettok(%full,1,32), %quote = $gettok(%full,2-,32)


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