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I was on Dalnet for years until we could no longer trade music. Now our channel has moved to Rizon. I can't get my old auto identify script to work. Here it is. Any help is appriciated a bunch as I am not very good on this stuff. I have 2 that I have tried. The top one I used with dalnet.

on 1:notice:*If this is your nick*:*:/nickserv IDENTIFY Password


on 1:NickServ:*This nickname is registered and protected. If it is your nick, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY password. Otherwise, please choose a different nick.*:*:/nickserv IDENTIFY Password

on *:NOTICE:*:?: {
  if (($nick == NickServ) && (*This nickname is registered and protected.* iswm $strip($1-)) {  .nickserv identify <pass> }
Identify automaticall when you connect.
on *:connect:{
  if $network == Rizon { identify PASSWORD }
Rizon has an "/identify" command as above. :[/b])
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