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Considering I have to be on like 6 different servers with different nicknames and passwords, I have started trying to write an autoidentify script for mIRC.

Basically it is just one simple line plus another one for every server/nickname combination I use. I have created a identify.mrc (that I run with: /load -rs identify.mrc in the perform section in the options) file and put the following 2 lines in:

IF ( lagnet.org.za isin $server ) && ( $me == Seather ) { set %passwd blahblah }
on *:NOTICE:*IDENTIFY*:*:/nickserv identify %passwd

According to me when I log onto irc.lagnet.org.za with the nickname 'Seather' and it asks me to identify, it should automatically identify? Well no luck. The second line works, the first doesn't. However if I put the IF statement line in as an alias on /test and run '/test' also from the perform section in the options before loading up the script it works fine. The same if I make a popup that does the IF statement for me.

However I do want all my passwords and channels and identify scripts and EVERYTHING in one/two files thats not really in mirc's options etc etc. One file will actually be great.

Any help there people? Or anyone with a better idea for an auto-identify script with what I need?

PLEASE this is REALLY getting agitating!

Thank You

Seather mad
put the IF event in an ON CONNECT event smile

maybe it should only be a notice from nickserv too...
hrmm, where to start on this one, that first line all it is doing is setting the variable, WAITING for the second one to be activatd if you want it to id in that first line you will need to make it { set %pass blahblah | /nickserv identify %pass } comprehende, cause as is, there is nothing really wrong with your script, that and i truly dislike the usage of the perform list, as was stated ON CONNECT or even ON LOGON for setting the pass would be the best possible option
Or even better, if'you re using connect dialog to connect to servers, add your nickserv password into "password" field to each server. It'll be forwarded to NickServ upon connecing.

As for your script, you have to put that IF statement INSIDE of on NOTICE event, else it'll not work.
mIRC parser doesn't process stand-alone IF or SET statements wink

  if (lagnet.org.za isin $server && $me == Seather) {
    var %passwd blahblah
    nickserv identify %passwd
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