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Posted By: sparta echo chat - 14/11/04 03:32 AM
this work for /msg:

.raw privmsg $1 $2-

but what to use for DCC chat ?somone that know?

missed litle text. i also want to echo the DCC chat, the problem is that if the chat is a eggdrop, then you have:

<botnick> <person in the partyline> message <<-- how can i solve that ? it wont echo the right way.. :tongue:
Posted By: landonsandor Re: echo chat - 14/11/04 04:56 AM
=$nick is used for DCC Chat nicknames so in your case Id say:

.raw privmsg = $+ $1 $2-

would do the trick
Posted By: sparta Re: echo chat - 14/11/04 07:34 AM
Nope. $nick return my nick, same as $1.. so i cant use:

.raw privmsg = $+ $1 $2-

that means i send a private message to me self.. so what to use ? :tongue:
Posted By: Marantz Re: echo chat - 14/11/04 11:32 AM
firast up, that's the way it works with eggdrops, it's nothing to do with mIRC itself.

secondly this is what i used for dcc chats

 on 1:INPUT:=:{
  if ($left($1,1) != /) {
    msg $active $1-

then in my /msg alias i have this line

if ($chr(61) isin $1) { echo -ai25 $+ $calc($len($1) + 8) 13<15 $+ $me $+ 13> $2- | .msg $1- }
Posted By: sparta Re: echo chat - 14/11/04 11:45 AM
I have a cusom alias for /msg .. so that means that /msg wont work the same as in a default mirc.. but i solved it.. smile made my alias halt if the nick is =nick .. smile
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