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Posted By: eger have output text in columns - 13/09/04 06:29 PM
i have script that outputs some text and some variables
msg #chan text %var1 %var2 %var etc
all varables changes for almost every line of output so it all looks kinda crappy and i would like to set it so i would have defind numbers of spaces before next variable
%var1 should have 7 chars
%var2 should have 10 chars
%var3 should have 5
so i would get on chan like this

text lala1__la2______lalala3
text la1___lalalal2___lala3
text lalal1_lalala2____la3

etc i replaced space with _ here

tnx smile
Posted By: ramnaa Re: have output text in columns - 13/09/04 06:59 PM
Are you using $chr(32) or $chr(160) as you space definition? I never get 32 to work. 160 seems to work. My script does basically the same thing. I just created a sub process that evaluates the length of the variable and if its supposed to be lets say 10 characters and its only 7, I use if statements to append $+ $chr(160) to make up the difference until my variable is Length 10.
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