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Posted By: Kev_Uk Keep My Nickname - 07/09/04 10:16 PM
I have a script that works pretty cool, but how do i go about adding a timer to this code so it gives me time for it to identify with NickServ before joining the channels with the /hop i have/

on *:LOAD: {
%keep.nickname = $input(What Nickname Do You Want To Keep,133,Keep Nickname)
if (%keep.nickname == $null) {
echo -s You Need To Enter A Nickname, Script Not Loaded
.timer 1 2 unload -rs keep_nickname.mrc
else { .notify %keep.nickname Keep Nickname }

on *:UNOTIFY: {
if ($network == Cairdiuil) && ($nick == %keep.nickname) && ($me != %keep.nickname) { nick %keep.nickname | nickserv identify %nickname.password | //var %i = 1 | while $chan(%i) { hop -cn $ifmatch regaining ops | inc %i } }
if ($network == PhaZeNet) && ($nick == %keep.nickname) && ($me != %keep.nickname) { nick %keep.nickname | nickserv identify %nickname.password | //var %i = 1 | while $chan(%i) { hop -cn $ifmatch regaining ops | inc %i } }
Posted By: biggem001 Re: Keep My Nickname - 08/09/04 04:36 PM
ok here this is wat u wanna do instead of putting a timer on the identify, u put it on the channels, here ill show u my script
on *:connect: {
if (%onstart == on) && ($server == %server3) {
/nickserv identify %password
var %c 1
while ($read(C:\server3.txt, %c)) {
/timer $+ %c 1 1 /join $read(C:\server3.txt, %c)
inc %c 1
see every1 has differnt connections and that means differnt time to connect so just use on connect than the nickserv and than put time on the join chans so it gives it a sec to identify :-) but i use this for ajoin that has txt for channels and stuff so u do it to how u want to do it
Posted By: Kev_Uk Re: Keep My Nickname - 08/09/04 05:26 PM
Hi the script i have is not really for an idenify script for a on connect, it's really based if services changes my nickname from Kev_UK to guest, the script would change it back, identify with nickserv then hop the channels i'm in on a timer say 5 seconds then re-enter so i can gain my operator status.
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