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Posted By: biggem001 on *:dialog:fileserver:init:??????????? - 15/08/04 05:04 PM
whats wrong with this code, its not working with my dialog


on *:dialog:fileserver:init:0:{
did -ar fileserver 13 %trigger
Posted By: saragani Re: on *:dialog:fileserver:init:??????????? - 15/08/04 05:09 PM
You can put * instead of 0. (This is what I do). Does it solve your problem?

on *:dialog:fileserver:init:*:{
did -ar fileserver 13 %trigger

Now when I'm looking on your script I see that there is no space after the last ":"

If should be:

on *:dialog:fileserver:init:0: {
did -ar fileserver 13 %trigger

no it doesnt it still doesnt show the the %variable what could be wrong
dialog FileServer {
title "File Server"
size -1 -1 286 108
option dbu
tab "File Server", 1, -1 -2 288 96
text "File Server Status", 3, 1 11 285 8, tab 1 center
text "_______________________________________________________________________________________________", 6, 0 18 285 8, tab 1
text "Trigger-", 7, 48 27 21 8, tab 1
text "Fserve Directory-", 8, 25 37 43 8, tab 1
text "Welcome File Directory-", 9, 11 48 57 8, tab 1
text "File Server's Current Status-", 10, 69 78 68 8, tab 1
text "Music File Directory-", 11, 20 58 48 8, tab 1
edit "", 13, 69 26 50 10, tab 1 read autohs
edit "", 14, 69 35 50 10, tab 1 read autohs
edit "", 15, 69 55 50 10, tab 1 read autohs
edit "", 16, 138 78 50 10, tab 1 read autohs
edit "", 12, 69 45 50 10, tab 1 read autohs
tab "Trigger", 18
list 17, 12 34 50 50, tab 18 size
edit "", 20, 12 24 50 10, tab 18
text "Fserve Trigger", 21, 21 16 35 8, tab 18
text "Please Add Only One Trigger Per Box, Adding Another Will Just Delete The Previous One.", 22, 116 35 42 42, tab 18 center
button "Add", 23, 22 83 15 8, tab 18
button "Delete", 24, 37 83 19 8, tab 18
button "Delete", 26, 231 84 19 8, tab 18
button "Add", 27, 217 84 15 8, tab 18
list 25, 207 35 50 50, tab 18 size
edit "", 28, 207 25 50 10, tab 18
text "Music File Trigger", 29, 211 18 41 8, tab 18
tab "Directory", 30
list 31, 11 33 50 50, tab 30 size
edit "", 32, 11 23 50 10, tab 30
list 33, 212 33 50 50, tab 30 size
edit "", 34, 212 23 50 10, tab 30
text "Please Add Only One Directory Per Box, Adding Another Will Just Delete The Previous One.", 35, 63 10 149 15, tab 30 center
button "Add", 37, 20 82 15 8, tab 30
button "Delete", 38, 237 82 19 8, tab 30
text "Fserve Directory", 40, 17 15 40 8, tab 30
text "Music Files Directory", 41, 212 15 49 8, tab 30
list 42, 116 45 50 38, tab 30 size
edit "", 43, 116 35 50 10, tab 30
text "Welcome File Directory", 44, 114 27 55 8, tab 30
button "Delete", 45, 141 82 19 8, tab 30
button "Add", 46, 127 82 15 8, tab 30
button "Add", 39, 222 82 15 8, tab 30
button "Delete", 36, 35 82 19 8, tab 30
button "Accept", 4, 94 96 37 12, ok
button "Cancel", 2, 150 96 37 12, cancel
button "Refresh", 47, 135 40 37 12, tab 1
text "Music File Trigger-", 48, 25 66 43 8, tab 1
edit "", 49, 69 65 50 10, tab 1 read autohs
thers the dialog if u need ne mor help
Posted By: saragani Re: on *:dialog:fileserver:init:??????????? - 15/08/04 05:15 PM
I don't know if you have read the edit of my post that I wrote.
I edited my post and said that the problem is probably that you have a SPACE missing after the :

You have :{ while it should be : {

the :{ or : { doesnt matter of tried both and they dont work, but on all my other on dialogs ther r :{ and they work fine
Posted By: saragani Re: on *:dialog:fileserver:init:??????????? - 15/08/04 05:32 PM
The weird thing is that your script works fine in my mIRC.

Check that there isn't any other script which uses a dialog named fileserver
Make sue that the function which call the dialog has the name typed right:
/dialog -m fileserver fileserver

Check that %trigger is realy set and it is not a local variable but a global one.

Those are the only things I can think of.
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