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Posted By: NightChillz MDX/Treeview/Mircdir - 01/02/03 05:22 PM
hey, i am playing around with mdx and some dll's a little, just to see, and i am managing fairly well, but i want to make a treeview of my script folder,
I managed to get the script foler and the files in it, then the first layer of folder within the script dir, and their files, but i am having trouble comming up with a way/maybe alias to get ALL layers of folders and files within the mirc dir....thought i would ask for a little help, this is what i have:

did -i switchbar 2 1 cb root
    did -a switchbar 2 +eb 1 1 Script Folder $tab ( $+ $findfile($mircdir,*,0) $+ ) Files In ( $+ $finddir($mircdir,*,0) $+ ) Folders
    did -i switchbar 2 1 cb last
    did -a switchbar 2 +b 2 2 $gettok($mircdir,-1,92)
    did -i switchbar 2 1 cb last
    var %z = 1
    while ( $findfile($mircdir,*,%z,0) ) {
      did -a switchbar 2 + 4 4 $nopath($ifmatch)
      inc %z
    did -i switchbar 2 1 cb up
    var %a = 1  
    while ( $finddir($mircdir,*,%a,1)) {
      var %dir = $ifmatch
      did -a switchbar 2 + 2 2 $gettok(%dir,-1,92)
      did -i switchbar 2 1 cb last
      var %x = 1
      while ($findfile(%dir,*.*,%x,1) ) {
        did -a switchbar 2 + 4 4 $nopath($ifmatch)
        inc %x
      did -i switchbar 2 1 cb up
      inc %a

and that gives something similar to:

Script folder
.dir name
.dir1 within dir
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