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Posted By: bunar regedit - 03/07/04 09:43 PM
can mirc 6.03 write/read to/from registry ?

if yes, how, or if any example can be seen ?
Posted By: Coolkill Re: regedit - 03/07/04 10:42 PM
You can do the following by using COM Objects thats supported somewhere after v5.9.

For a script that allows you to do this easily try, here.


Posted By: bunar Re: regedit - 03/07/04 11:02 PM
Posted By: ScoT Re: regedit - 03/07/04 11:20 PM
Coolkill just for reference the link you posted sets of Norton Antivirus suggesting it's malicious

I'm not suggesting it is, merely pointing out that visitors to it may experience the same Alert

#mIRC Undernet
Posted By: Coolkill Re: regedit - 04/07/04 12:53 PM
Thanks Scot =)

I Don't use Norton to be honest but for all who are unsure about clicking it, its a simple url that contains a few alias' to manipulate the registry, and can be found via the search panel on www.mircscripts.org if you dont want to click the url above.

Posted By: Online Re: regedit - 04/07/04 05:04 PM
Coolkill just for reference the link you posted sets of Norton Antivirus suggesting it's malicious

It's probably Wscript.Shell that irritates Norton (and for a good reason). The code itself isn't malicious in any way, as long as it's in the right hands.
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