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Posted By: Daedalus $masks - 23/06/04 04:31 PM
I got this script which will show the users address in a popup:
 menu nicklist {
  Dae's Kick/Ban Script
  .Kick/Ban (own reason)
  ..0. $address($1,0) : { ban -k $$1 0 $$input(Enter reason for kick/ban of  " $+ $1 $+ ":,egqyq,Dae's Ban Script) }
  ..1. $address($1,1) : { ban -k $$1 1 $$input(Enter reason for kick/ban of  " $+ $1 $+ ":,egqyq,Dae's Ban Script) }
  ..2. $address($1,2) : { ban -k $$1 2 $$input(Enter reason for kick/ban of  " $+ $1 $+ ":,egqyq,Dae's Ban Script) }
  ..3. $address($1,3) : { ban -k $$1 3 $$input(Enter reason for kick/ban of  " $+ $1 $+ ":,egqyq,Dae's Ban Script) }
  ..4. $address($1,4) : { ban -k $$1 4 $$input(Enter reason for kick/ban of  " $+ $1 $+ ":,egqyq,Dae's Ban Script) }
  ..5. $address($1,5) : { ban -k $$1 5 $$input(Enter reason for kick/ban of  " $+ $1 $+ ":,egqyq,Dae's Ban Script) }
  ..6. $address($1,6) : { ban -k $$1 6 $$input(Enter reason for kick/ban of  " $+ $1 $+ ":,egqyq,Dae's Ban Script) }
  ..7. $address($1,7) : { ban -k $$1 7 $$input(Enter reason for kick/ban of  " $+ $1 $+ ":,egqyq,Dae's Ban Script) }
  ..8. $address($1,8) : { ban -k $$1 8 $$input(Enter reason for kick/ban of  " $+ $1 $+ ":,egqyq,Dae's Ban Script) }
  ..9. $address($1,9) : { ban -k $$1 9 $$input(Enter reason for kick/ban of  " $+ $1 $+ ":,egqyq,Dae's Ban Script) }

but I would also like to add this mask : *!*@halfhost.*
Posted By: FiberOPtics Re: $masks - 23/06/04 05:38 PM

put this alias into your remotes:
alias halfhost return $gettok($address($$1,2),1,46) $+ .* 

Usage: $halfhost(nick)

Note that $address is depending on your Internal Address List. A user's address is added to the list either when they join the channel, send a message to a channel, or make a mode change. So that means that your script won't work on idling nicks that were there before you joined the channel. To see what I mean, do a /hop and then right click on your own nick. Then /whois yourself, and right click again to see the difference. I'm not too familiar with how to keep the ial updated, but I think a /who #channel will do.

Posted By: Daedalus Re: $masks - 23/06/04 05:48 PM
My script always does a /who on join, so the IAL is always updated...it worked thank you very much smile
Posted By: FiberOPtics Re: $masks - 23/06/04 09:53 PM
Hehe ok.

If I may make a suggestion for your script. You can really save a lot of redundant code by making stuff modular. For example:
alias banuser {
  if ($me isop $active) { ban -k $1 $2 $$input(Enter reason for kick/ban of " $+ $1 $+ ":,egqyq,Dae's Ban Script) }
 [color:red]  [/color] 
menu nicklist {
  Dae's Kick/Ban Script
  .Kick/Ban (own reason)
  ..0. $address($1,0) : banuser $1 0
  ..1. $address($1,1) : banuser $1 1
  ..2. $address($1,2) : banuser $1 2
  ..3. $address($1,3) : banuser $1 3
  ..4. $address($1,4) : banuser $1 4
  ..5. $address($1,5) : banuser $1 5
  ..6. $address($1,6) : banuser $1 6
  ..7. $address($1,7) : banuser $1 7
  ..8. $address($1,8) : banuser $1 8
  ..9. $address($1,9) : banuser $1 9

What it does is pass the parameters $1 (nickname) and the mask number (e.g. 2) to the alias banuser, which takes care of the rest. That way you don't have to repeat that long line of code every time, but you can simply call that 1 alias. Also added a check for op status before banning.

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