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Posted By: SisterSue new admin help - 13/05/04 08:31 PM
I created a room. Can I block the other admins from banning my ip? They do it for jokes, and i am close to taking their admin away. Just looking for this info before it comes to that. Or is there a way that I can restrict their power? Stupid huh!

Also, where to find a list of commands?
Posted By: Dizkonnekted Re: new admin help - 13/05/04 09:17 PM
Hi SisterSue,

The only way you can block the other admins from banning your IP is literally to remove their OP privillages.
Banning your IP as a joke doesnt sond very funny to me, but then I dont know the circumstances in which they do it.

Another option you might look at is setting up a channel bot, then, if they ban your IP the bot auto un bans you, going down that road though could lead to some serious disputes

I.E. They ban you 'for fun' then the bot unbans you and maybe kicks them, they bring in a bot to counter act that etc etc. If they ban your IP just for fun, and it is just that, ask them to stop.

To restrict their power you could only give them half ops, if your network of choice supports it that is. As for getting a list of commands you did not specify what you are looking for commands on!

If your looking for mIRC and or IRC commands they can be found in both of the help files that come with mIRC, if your looking for Network specific commands you can usually get a list of supported commands from the networks website.

Hope that helps.

Posted By: Mentality Re: new admin help - 13/05/04 09:48 PM
Added note:

You can automatically unban yourself if you find yourself banned...

on @*:BAN:#channel: {
if ($banmask iswm $address($me,5)) {
mode $chan -bo $banmask $nick

This will unban yourself if a ban is placed on you, and deop the person who banned you. Be warned that this type of script can cause "script wars" if the other ops have revenge scripts. Also realise if they kick you and then ban you, this will not work as you won't see the ban be set. To detect being kicked, see /help on kick - the same kind of principal applies.

You should always be careful when opping people. Opping everyone is not a good idea - you should only op your friends. Your friends shouldn't be banning yout IP for fun. If you ask them to stop it, that should be sufficient.

As Diz suggested, check out the networks website, or ask in the #Help channel of the network and see what access levels are available. Any level of op will be able to ban you however and you can't directly stop it from happening. That said, some networks (not many) support a mode that prevents channel owners/founders being banned or kicked from a channel. Again, you'll need to ask in the #Help channel (or equivalent) for such information.

Hope this helps smile

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