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Posted By: Canario Fill $network - 26/04/04 11:55 PM
$network is filled by the networks added in mIRC Options. Some way to add the network with command or scripting?.
Posted By: Wolfie Re: Fill $network - 27/04/04 01:12 AM
I'm currently in another thread about $network


I'm kinda confused by what you are asking...
Posted By: LocutusofBorg Re: Fill $network - 27/04/04 05:31 AM
I suppose you could use an alias called network, but that defeats the whole purpose of $network.
Posted By: Wolfie Re: Fill $network - 27/04/04 05:58 AM
That wouldn't work, if you're suggesting what I think you are...
alias network return Test!

//echo -g $network
Doesn't return "Test!", it returns the network you are on.

Might be asking to control what $network returns because some networks send their name and therefore, $network reports with that, instead of what is in the server list. (If that's the case, then there is another thread I started in the features request forum that addresses this issue).

But if talking about actually changing what $network returns while still connected to the network.. I don't think it can be done easily. But then I could be wrong.
Only other thought is that maybe they mean an easy way to add servers to the server list and specify the group name, etc... Which is why I asked for more information.. I couldn't figure out what they wanted to do.
Posted By: Canario Re: Fill $network - 28/04/04 01:15 AM
Sorry speak english is hard to me grin
I don´t want to change that $network returns. I want to add a network with command or scripting, like mIRC Options.
You can add a network in the mIRC menu Connect, I want to add the network with a command or remote event ON CONNECT. This will very useful to me, because I could use $network in any network, ´cause I add the network with ON CONNECT. I think that /writeini servers.ini can help with this, but I want to know some opinion. Thanks Locutus and Wolfie smirk
Posted By: Wolfie Re: Fill $network - 28/04/04 01:20 AM
you want the /server command

/!help /server
/server [-mnsarpfoc] <server/groupname> [port] [password] [-i nick anick email name] [-jn #channel pass]
Connects you to a server, first disconnecting you from the current server.
/server irc.undernet.org 6667 mypassword
If you type /server with no parameters, mIRC will connect to the last server you used. If you use the server command while still connected, you will be disconnected with your normal quit message and will then connect to the specified server.
You can also use /server N which connects to the Nth server in the server list in the connect dialog.
You can also use /server groupname which will cycle through all the servers in the server list which have that group name until it connects to one of them.
The -m switch creates a new server window for that connection and connects to the server. The -n switch does the same thing but does not connect to the server.
The -pfoc switches prevent perform, popup favorites folder, autojoin channels, and the on connect event when you connect to a server.
If you specify any of the -sar switches, the format of the command becomes:
/server -sar [server] [-p port] [-g group] [-w password] [-d description]
  -s sorts the servers list
  -a adds a server. If it exists, it is updated
  -r removes a server
mIRC tries to find a match for either the server address or the description in the existing servers list. You can also specify none for -g -w and -d to clear the current setting.

Specifically, you want to use:
/server -a server.address.url -p port#'s -g groupname -d description which may include spaces

example to add group IRCchat (made up name/info), irc.chat.org, ports 6667-6669, description IRC Chat Network you would use this:
/server -a irc.chat.org -p 6667-6669 -g IRCchat -d IRC Chat Network

Hope this helps.
Posted By: Canario Re: Fill $network - 28/04/04 01:32 AM
Thanks Wolfie this is exactly that i want. You help me much.
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