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Posted By: BIGeMpTy dcc resumes affected by scripts? - 10/02/04 08:40 PM
I'm have this downloading script I wrote (Autoget 7.1) and a handful of people claim that, once installed, it breaks thier dcc resumes...

I personally think this is impossible...I don't have any halts or anything in the dcc send ctcp event that could explain it...much less explain why it would only happen to some people...so I thought I would just ask to see if I'm missing something...

Posted By: DaveC Re: dcc resumes affected by scripts? - 11/02/04 03:14 AM
there saying the resuming of a a file they were sending to you doesnt work? or your resuming a file to them?

maybe its the buggy 6.12 file resume, if you have mirc set to auto accept and resume if exists, and if the sender has a smaller source file than the one you have already, mirc deletes the one you have and starts the download again.
Maybe this is what they are experencing.
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