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Posted By: andymps socket bots? - 22/01/04 07:04 AM
how do i make one? i need one to connect to an irc server, but there is a **** load of stuff u need to send in an on logon, i also need to like do commands with it to that irc server and send em back, some how, can anyone help me? i have not done sockets before confused
Posted By: PastMaster Re: socket bots? - 22/01/04 08:08 AM
You can find a tutorial on writing socket bots here, an example socket bot here and a brand new framework for a socket bot here !

These should be more than enough to get you started! grin

Posted By: andymps Re: socket bots? - 22/01/04 09:36 AM
ok all 3 of them dont connect, help?
Posted By: andymps Re: socket bots? - 22/01/04 09:46 AM
ok take this one cos i understand it more, i type /sbot -o irc.server.net, then after a while it does, Socket opened on sbot, then i do /sbot -w bleh anything, and it does nothing, help?
also say i do a command with a socket bot, how is it returned? like say i do a whois on someone how do i see the return from it?
alias sbot {
  if (!$isfile(sbot.ini)) {
    writeini sbot.ini socket_bot nick sockbot
    writeini sbot.ini socket_bot socket sbot
    writeini sbot.ini socket_bot port 6667
  if (-* iswm $1) {
    if ($right($1,1) == c) {
      run notepad.exe sbot.ini
    if ($right($1,1) == o) {
      if (!$sock($sb(socket))) {
        if ($2) {
          sockopen $sb(socket) $2 $iif($3,$3,$sb(port))
    if ($right($1,1) == d) {
      if ($sock($sb(socket))) {
        sockclose $sb(socket)
    if ($right($1,1) == w) {
      if ($sock($sb(socket))) {
        if ($2-) {
          sockwrite -n $sb(socket) $2-

on *:sockopen:$($sb(socket)):{
  .signal sbot SOCK_OPENED $sockname
on *:sockclose:$($sb(socket)):{
  .signal sbot SOCK_CLOSED $sockname
on *:sockwrite:$($sb(socket)):{
  .signal sbot SOCK_WRITTEN $sockname
on *:sockread:$($sb(socket)):{
  var %sr
  sockread %sr
  .signal sbot SOCK_READ $sockname %sr
on *:SIGNAL:sbot:{
  if ($1 == SOCK_OPENED) {
    echo -a Socket opened on $2
  elseif ($1 == SOCK_CLOSED) {
    echo -a Socket closed on $2
  elseif ($1 == SOCK_WRITTEN) {
    echo -a Wrote to socket $2
  elseif ($1 == SOCK_READ) {
    echo -a Read from socket $2 $+ : $3-

Posted By: bleach Re: socket bots? - 22/01/04 11:26 AM
you can open a socket by using /sockopen command and you can use socket events for other stuff.. like;
sockopen mysocket irc.xxx.com 6667
on *:sockopen:mysocket:{
sockwrite -n mysocket USER username . . fullname
sockwrite -n mysocket nick socketsnick
on *:sockread:mysocket:{
sockread %mysocket
tokenize 32 %mysocket
if ($1 == PING) sockwrite -n mysocket PONG $2

for more help type: /help sockets
Posted By: PastMaster Re: socket bots? - 22/01/04 02:50 PM
Mircscripts has more downtime than most - I've just checked all three links and they work...

If you still can't get to them, open www.mircscripts.org and search for "socket bot" under "All" categories.

Posted By: andymps Re: socket bots? - 22/01/04 03:33 PM
no i meant the socket bots dont connect, on all 3 of em!
Posted By: KingTomato Re: socket bots? - 23/01/04 12:26 AM
not as complete as I'd like it, but here is something that will connect to a server, and allows you to do different things with it. Also, i tried to replicate the "nromal" events like on JOIN, PART, TEXT, etc using a signal. See if it helps out any...

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

; /bot -s server [-p port] [-n nick] [-i ident] [-f full name]
alias bot {
  var %p = 1, %argc = $0
  if (%argc < 1) /echo -s * /bot: insufficient parameters
  else {
    /set %bot.server $server
    /set %bot.port $port
    /set %bot.nick $me $+ |BOT
    /set %bot.ident $me
    while ($gettok($1-, %p, 32) != $null) {
      var %arg = $ifmatch
      if (%arg == -f) {
        /inc %p
        while (-* !iswm $gettok($1-, %p, 32)) {
          /set %bot.fullname %bot.fullname $gettok($1-, %p, 32)
          /inc %p
        /dec %p
      else if (%arg == -i) {
        /inc %p
        /set %bot.ident $gettok($1-, %p, 32)
      else if (%arg == -n) {
        /inc %p
        /set %bot.nick $gettok($1-, %p, 32)
      else if (%arg == -p) {
        /inc %p
        /set %bot.port $gettok($1-, %p, 32)
      else if (%arg == -s) {
        /inc %p
        /set %bot.server $gettok($1-, %p, 32)
      /inc %p
    if (!%bot.fullname) /set %bot.fullname $readini($mircini, mirc, user)

; ctcp stuff (Not intergrated yet)
alias bot.ctcp {
  if ($1 == VERSION) return mIRC $+(v,$version) Khaled Mardem-Bey
  if ($1 == TIME) return $fulldate
  if ($1 == PING) return PING $1
  if ($1 == FINGER) return Put that finger away

alias bot_connect {
  if ($sock(bot)) /sockclose bot
  if ($window(@bot)) /clear @bot | else /window @bot
  if ($window(@bot_chat)) /clear @bot_chat | else /window @bot_chat
  /sockopen bot %bot.server %bot.port

alias bot_write {
  if ($sock(bot)) {
    /sockwrite -n bot $1-
    .signal BOT WRITE $1-
    if ($1 == NICK) /set %bot.nick $2

alias bot_disconnect {
  if ($sock(bot)) {
    /sock_write QUIT :SocketBot By KT 
    /sockclose bot
  /unset %bot.*
  if ($window(@bot)) /window -c @bot
  if ($window(@bot_chat)) /window -c @bot_chan

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

on *:SOCKOPEN:bot: {
  if ($sockerr) .signal BOT ERROR $sock(bot).wserr $sock(bot).wsmsg
  else {
    /sockwrite -n bot NICK %bot.nick
    /sockwrite -n bot USER %bot.ident * * $+(:,%bot.fullname)

on *:SOCKREAD:bot: {
  var %buffer
  /sockread -f %buffer
  .signal BOT %buffer

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

on *:SIGNAL:BOT: {
  var %rawmsg = $1-

  ; --
  ; misc events
  ; --

  ; Error
  if ($1 == ERROR) /echo -a Error while connecting to server: $2-

  ; Close event
  else if ($1 == CLOSE) /echo @bot Bot Connection Closed

  ; ping
  else if ($1 == PING) /bot_write PONG $right($2, -1)

  ; information written
  else if ($1 == WRITE) /echo @bot <- $2-

  ; --
  ; Chatting
  ; --

  ; the normal mIRC "on" events
  if ($1 == ON) {

    ; " on *:JOIN: "
    if ($2 == JOIN) {
      var %address = $3, %nick = $gettok($3, 1, $asc(!)), %chan = $4


    ; " on *:PART: "
    else if ($2 == PART) {
      var %address = $3, %nick = $gettok($3, 1, $asc(!)), %chan = $4


    ; " on *:KICK:#: "
    else if ($2 == KICK) {
      var %address = $3, %nick = $gettok($3, 1, $asc(!)), %chan = $4, %knick = $5
      /tokenize 32 $6-


    ; " on *:TEXT:*:#: "
    else if ($2 == CHANTEXT) {
      var %address = $3, %nick = $gettok($3, 1, $asc(!)), %chan = $4
      /tokenize 32 $5-


    ; " on *:TEXT:*:?: "
    else if ($2 == QUERYTEXT) {
      var %address = $3, %nick = $gettok($3, 1, $asc(!))
      /tokenize 32 $4-


    ; " on *:ACTION:*:#: "
    else if ($2 == CHANACTION) {
      var %address = $3, %nick = $gettok($3, 1, $asc(!)), %chan = $4
      /tokenize 32 $5-


    ; " on *:ACTION:*:?: "
    else if ($2 == QUERYACTION) {
      var %address = $3, %nick = $gettok($3, 1, $asc(!))
      /tokenize 32 $4-


    ; " on *:NOTICE:*:*: "
    ; Take note, i didn't filter channel notices from private
    else if ($2 == NOTICE) {
      var %address = $3, %nick = $gettok($3, 1, $asc(!)), %target = $4
      /tokenize 32 $5-


    ; "on *:RAWMODE:#: "
    else if ($2 == RAWMODE) {
      var %address = $3, %nick = $gettok($3, 1, $asc(!)), %chan = $4
      /tokenize 32 $5-


  ; raw events
  else if ($2 isnum 0-999) {
    ; make it like a "raw *:*: { }" event
    var %numeric = $2
    /tokenize 32 $3-

    ; don't touch these lines -- BEGIN
    if (%numeric == 433) {
      ; this is the msg you get when you trying to connect with a bad
      ; name. the else .. is when you try to do /nick already on server.
      if ($1 == %bot.nick) /sock_write NICK %bot.nick $+ $rand(1,999)
      else /set %bot.nick $1
    ; don't touch these lines -- END


  ; --
  ; the below recalls the events above. It's more the "engine" of the bot. They call the above stuff.
  ; To make it easy on you, I made them all as similar to the actual events as possible. Use %nick
  ; instead of $nick, %chan for $chan, etc.
  ; --

  ; other messages
  else {
    if (:*!*@* iswm $1) {
      var %nick = $right($gettok($1, 1, $asc(!)), -1), %address = $right($1, -1)

      if ($2 == JOIN) .signal BOT ON JOIN %address $right($3, -1)
      else if ($2 == KICK) .signal BOT ON KICK %address $3-4 $right($5-, -1)
      else if ($2 == MODE) .signal BOT ON MODE %address $3-
      else if ($2 == NOTICE) .signal BOT ON NOTICE %address $3 $right($4-, -1)
      else if ($2 == PART) .signal BOT ON PART %address $3
      else if ($2 == PRIVMSG) {
        var %target = $3
        /tokenize 32 $right($4-, -1)

        if (#* iswm %target) {
          if ($1 == $+($chr(1),ACTION)) .signal BOT ON CHANACTION %address %target $left($2-, -1)
          else .signal BOT ON CHANTEXT %address %target $1-
        else {
          if ($1 == $+($chr(1),ACTION)) .signal BOT ON QUERYACTION %address %target $left($2-, -1)
          else .signal BOT ON QUERYTEXT %address $1-

  if ((WRITE * !iswm %rawmsg) && (ON * !iswm %rawmsg)) /echo @bot -> %rawmsg

; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

menu channel {
  Socket Bot
  .$iif(!$sock(bot), Launch Connection): /bot $$?="Enter Settings: $crlf -s server [-p port] [-n nick] [-i ident] [-f full name]"
  .$iif($sock(bot), Kill Connection): /bot_disconnect
  .$iif($sock(bot), Bot Stuff)
  ..Nickname: /bot_write NICK $$?="Enter New Name"
  .$iif($sock(bot), Location)
  ..$iif(%bot.nick !ison $active, Join This Channel): /bot_write JOIN $active
  ..$iif(%bot.nick ison $active, Part This Channel): /bot_write PART $active
  ..Join Channel ???: /bot_write JOIN $$?="Enter Channel Name"
  ..Part Channel ???: /bot_write PART $$?="Enter Channel Name"
  .$iif($sock(bot), Messaging)
  ..Message Channel: /bot_write PRIVMSG $active $+(:,$$?="Enter Message")

menu nicklist {
  Socket Bot
  .$iif(!$sock(bot), Launch Connection): /bot $$?="Enter Settings: $crlf -s server [-p port] [-n nick] [-i ident] [-f full name]"
  .$iif($sock(bot), Kill Connection): /bot_disconnect
  .$iif($sock(bot), User Control)
  ..$iif(%bot.nick isop $active && %bot.nick !isop $active, Op $$1): /bot_write MODE $active +o $1
  ..$iif(%bot.nick isop $active && %bot.nick isop $active, Deop $$1): /bot_write MODE $active -o $1
  ..$iif(%bot.nick isop $active && %bot.nick !ishop $active, Half-Op $$1): /bot_write MODE $active +h $1
  ..$iif(%bot.nick isop $active && %bot.nick ishop $active, Dehalf-op $$1): /bot_write MODE $active -h $1
  ..$iif(%bot.nick isop $active && %bot.nick !isvoice $active, Voice $$1): /bot_write MODE $active +v $1
  ..$iif(%bot.nick isop $active && %bot.nick isvoice $active, Devoice $$1): /bot_write MODE $active -v $1
  ..$iif(%bot.nick isop $active, Kick $$1): /bot_write KICK $active $$1
  ..$iif(%bot.nick isop $active, Kick $$1 -Reason-): /bot_write KICK $active $$1 $+(:,$$?="Enter Reason")
  ..$iif(%bot.nick isop $active, Kick Ban $$1): /bot_write MODE $active +bb $$1 $address($$1, 11) | /bot_write KICK $active $$1
  ..$iif(%bot.nick isop $active, Kick Ban $$1 -Reason-): /bot_write MODE $active +bb $$1 $address($$1, 11) | /bot_write KICK $active $$1 $+(:,$$?="Enter Reason")
  .$iif($sock(bot), Bot Stuff)
  ..Nickname: /bot_write NICK $$?="Enter New Name"
  .$iif($sock(bot), Location)
  ..$iif(%bot.nick !ison $active, Join This Channel): /bot_write JOIN $active
  ..$iif(%bot.nick ison $active, Part This Channel): /bot_write PART $active
  ..Join Channel ???: /bot_write JOIN $$?="Enter Channel Name"
  ..Part Channel ???: /bot_write PART $$?="Enter Channel Name"
  .$iif($sock(bot), Messaging)
  ..Message Channel: /bot_write PRIVMSG $active $+(:,$$?="Enter Message")
  ..Message $$1: /bot_write PRIVMSG $$1 $+(:,$$?="Enter Message")

menu @bot {
  Clear Window: /clear @bot
  .Join Channel ???: /bot_write JOIN $$?="Enter Channel Name"
  .Part Channel ???: /bot_write PART $$?="Enter Channel Name"
  Disconnect: /bot_disconnect
Posted By: andymps Re: socket bots? - 23/01/04 04:02 AM
oh no! -> ERROR 10060 [10060] Connection timed out
help? confused i get it all the time!
Posted By: andymps Re: socket bots? - 23/01/04 07:19 AM
btw im on a netword and need to use firewall settings, will it use the mirc ones or do i have to specify them?
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