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Posted By: saragani Submiting data to a website - 26/12/03 09:45 PM
Using a script of KingTomato (He gave me a link to his script), I made some changes to suite it to my needs. The scripts works, and it submits data to the website using php and mysql.

The problem is that if I try to surf to that website using IE, then I get error "Server gave a bad command error 400", or something like that.

The server is members.lycos.co.uk
When I submiting the data, I use members.lycos.co.uk as the server, and /username/submit.php as the path.

Is there any way of allowing me to still be able to surf to tripod while mIRC is submiting??

In order to submit to the server I use:

sockwrite -n submiter GET %path $+ %sdb HTTP/1.0
sockwrite -n submiter %server
sockwrite -n submiter $crlf

Where %sdb is the data that I'm sending to the website (in a form of ?Something=X&something_else=Y)

Posted By: Static Re: Submiting data to a website - 27/12/03 08:06 AM
Use a different browser like mozilla firebird or opera
Posted By: saragani Re: Submiting data to a website - 27/12/03 09:07 AM
You are missing the point confused

Its like an old "joke" I have heard:

"Do you know that 60% of the accidents happends at home??

... Don't live at home!"
grin grin

Yeah, that would solve the problem, but being more carefull at your own house would be more practical then living at someones else house.

This is the same thing here.
I'm not so sure that working with mozilla will solve the problme either, cause the problem happens because mIRC open a connection to members.lycos.co.uk, and then IE sends data, the server of lycos sees that the same IP sends data (it doesn't know which browser sends the data), but then it causes the an error, cause both browsers are connected to the same server at the same time.

My question is how can it be solved??
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