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Posted By: sparta button Q - 02/12/03 08:09 PM
I know how to add a button beside the Mirc icons, but how can i add a menu to the menu abov it? with the File/tools menu? i trying to add a text link there so when somone press it it opens a dialog with allot of other info, but the @window cant be added that high in mirc.. it can only be added to the same bar as the channel folder and the other icons, not higher up :tongue:
Posted By: Doqnach Re: button Q - 03/12/03 10:18 AM
I haven't found a dll which can do this... hope others have
Posted By: Seifer Re: button Q - 03/12/03 01:03 PM
If you want to continue using an @window, make it a desktop window which isn't shown on the Windows taskbar, than just use the $window(-2) identifier to calculate it's location.

However, doing this you'll need to find a way of checking whether the main mIRC window's position has changed so that you can reposition the @window, this can be done with a function found in the sz.dll or by using a /timer
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