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Posted By: dabunny ez 2 serve v2 connecting problems - 05/09/11 10:18 PM

I have been a member of Mirc/Ez 2 Serve for over 10 years and am having a huge problem which I hope you can help.

I was able to log in to ez 2 serve last month without any problems (ez 2 serve v2 v 6.14) including a couple of weeks ago.

I cannot log onto the site any longer and am wondering why.

No settings have changed from my computer or lan and I am wondering if there is a newer version of ez 2 serve or if the mirc options default port 6667 has changed.

The ops people that I have had help me in the past sharing or other questions are Maggie, retro, johnny wb, angel-babe, morgan lefey, snow 52 and Gary.

My user id is under 3 different log ins - dabunny, littlebabydabunny and iluvmyboots as I have a lan and log in separately depending on which computer I'm using.

If you can email me to let me know why I am having this problem or have any of the above ops contact me this would be greatly appreciated. I can be reached @ dabunny@xplornet.com.


Wierd. Never heard of this one before, but the sites listed on search engine claim relationship with mIRC Co. Ltd. while at the same time saying there is no such relationship. Might be something Khaled might want to look into.
Posted By: TRT Re: ez 2 serve v2 connecting problems - 08/09/11 10:59 AM
It appears to be an old filesharing script. (meaning it is an unofficial addon for which you can't expect support here)

The version string hints it was made for mIRC 6.14 which was released over 7 years ago and still suffered from known security risks.

For your own safety I suggest to keep an closer eye on the software you're using.
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