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Has anyone had the problem I seem to be having with 6.2? I'll be connected to a channel for somewhere about 5 minutes or so and I'll just get a popup saying that mIRC has encountered a problem.... Not sure why.

I'm running 6.2 with OmenServe 2.70 and ListMagic 2

I just noticed that it seems to happen when I turn the server ON in OmenServe. Is this something anyone's seen lately? If so, I'd have to imagine that the fix is pretty simple. It usually is.

Happens to me regularly. I dunno about you, but 6.2 seems a bit more unstable.
I'm running 6.2 with OmenServe 2.70 and ListMagic 2

If you dont run these scripts does 6.2 behave?
I run 6.2 and enjoy uptimes in excess of 14 days with no problems on both a linux and windows machines

Just downgraded to mIRC 6.17. Same deal. Again, it seems to have something to do with OmenServe's server being ON. I can keep mIRC running all day long, it appears, as long as I don't turn on OmenServe's server.
It seems to behave if the scripts aren't running. I'm running this setup on my laptop. I don't think it had any problems running on my desktop, though... Same OpSys, etc. That's odd. OmenServe definitely helps keep karaoke-realm happy. I'd like to keep it if possible.
Going to be honest here, I have never seen or used omenserve however, maybe a peek on their forum may shed some light on the problem.
omenserve forum
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