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Posted By: Kousagi Network is unreachable - 25/08/05 02:17 AM
Since I came to college my mIRC cannot connect with any server. It just says: Unable to connect (Network is unreachable). What should I do?
Posted By: CtrlAltDel Re: Network is unreachable - 25/08/05 03:14 AM
Unable to Connect
Posted By: Kousagi Re: Network is unreachable - 25/08/05 02:54 PM
Yes, I went there and I tried the suggestions but nothing's working. When I type in /dns theserver.info.here I just get an Unable to resolve the server.info.here. I've also tried changing my server port but that didn't work either. I've tried different servers. Nothing seems to be work. What should I do?

Please help me!
Posted By: CtrlAltDel Re: Network is unreachable - 26/08/05 05:25 AM
It is extremely likely that your college network administrators have IRC ports blocked. Try speaking to them about unblocking 6660-7000 so you can chat.
Posted By: Riamus2 Re: Network is unreachable - 26/08/05 01:52 PM
Note that if they have those ports blocked, there is a very good chance that they won't unblock them. Most colleges/universities (at least in the US) have a statement that says that access to the internet from their network is for educational purposes only and that you're not to use it for any other purpose. That includes chatting, playing games online, downloading or sending files, etc. Most are lenient on allowing that if they don't block the ports to it, but they are usually not willing to open ports to allow you to use the network for what it's not meant to be used for.

If a college really wanted to, they could remove internet access for anyone who is using it for some other purpose such as playing games because of this statement. Like I said, most are lenient on that, but it's something to be aware of in case they are very strict at your college.
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