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Brand new to (m)irc - I have a windows XP box with multiple connections - my cable modem/ISP and a VPN to my company. mirc seems to choose one to use at random and I would like to force it to always use one. Many apps like OE etc. ask you which connection to use for each account etc but I could not find the option in mirc for the server/connect setup. Any advice out there? ;-)

mIRC Options (ALT+O) > Connect > Options > [Advanced]

after clicking the advanced button you will see a dialog that you can use to bind mirc to a specific ip address

hopefuly this resolved this problem for you

Thanks. I suppose (and newbieness showing here) that this will work as long as I am always assigned the same IP address by the VPN connection. Anyway so far so good, I appreciate the rapid and accurate help!

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