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Posted By: Axe 6.01 to 6.03 upgrade question... - 26/08/03 06:23 AM
I just upgraded to 6.03 because a script I was playing around with required 6.03...

Now, I have my client sat on half a dozen servers 24/7 monitoring channels, etc, and I often flick through the status windows of each server to run commands n' stuff whilst leaving a single channel up to chat in.

In mIRC 6.01, when I clicked through the various status windows on different networks, it was great, no problem. In 6.03, when I click a server's status window, it also brings up the channel windows for that server (that I'm not actually chatting in, just monitoring) on top of the other channel that I am actually chatting in.

Is there a way to disable this so that bringing a status window into focus doesn't automatically raise the channel & other windows associated with that server?

If this isn't possible at the moment, being able to disable it would be a great feature for future versions smile
Posted By: billythekid Re: 6.01 to 6.03 upgrade question... - 27/08/03 10:16 AM
in mirc, select window menu(next to help) then select options...
then uncheck the 3rd box down on the left that says "move all windows for active connection to top" then click ok.
That should solve your trouble.
Posted By: Axe Re: 6.01 to 6.03 upgrade question... - 27/08/03 04:04 PM
Thank you...

You know I'd never have found that if somebody hadn't pointed it out.. I was going all through the regular options (ALT+O) and couldnt find it anywhere.
Posted By: billythekid Re: 6.01 to 6.03 upgrade question... - 03/09/03 09:52 AM
no probs, glad to help wink
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