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Posted By: p10221 ZNC timestamps - mIRC - 18/03/15 12:55 AM

Newly registered here and before I did, I tried searching if I can find a solution to my situation. Closest that I found is this. The guy's problem was solved by updating his ZNC however...

I just installed the latest mIRC version(7.41) and I am having problems with my timestamps when I connect to my bouncer(ZNC 1.4). My ZNC Timestamp Format is [%D %r]. While mIRC correctly timestamps my Logs (in [HH:nn] mIRC format however), it doesn't correctly timestamps events like users' joins/quits/parts/nick changes. I also lost the "***Buffer Playback" and "***Playback Complete." lines/messages/notices when my bouncer loads my logs. I didn't have this problem with mIRC(version 7.32) in my old computer.

Also, I've been using this script in my old mIRC so I can keep the colors in my buffextras. I copy-pasted it to the new mIRC and it still works except the timestamp issues.
on ^*:TEXT:*:#: {
  if ($nick == *buffextras) {
    var %nick = $gettok($2,1,$asc(!))

    if (*join* iswm $1-) echo $color(join) # $timestamp $1-
    elseif (*part* iswm $1-) echo $color(part) # $timestamp $1-
    elseif (*known* iswm $1-) echo $color(nick) # $timestamp $1-
    elseif (*quit* iswm $1-) echo $color(quit) # $timestamp $1-
    elseif (*mode* iswm $1-) echo $color(mode) # $timestamp $1-
    elseif (*kick* iswm $1-) echo $color(kick) # $timestamp $1-
    elseif (*topic* iswm $1-) echo $color(join) # $timestamp $1-
    else echo 0 # *UNPARSED* $timestamp $1-
  if ($nick == ***) {
    echo $color(notice) # *** $1-

below are screenshots of what i'm talking about
Click to reveal..

^screenshot of old mIRC with correct ZNC timestamp format, "***Buffer Playback..." and "***Playback Complete." lines, and colors

^screenshot of new mIRC. still have the buffextras colors but doesn't follow the ZNC Timestamp format. event timestamp(nick change) is incorrect as well. the "***Buffer Playback..." and "***Playback Complete." messages are gone too

I dunno if the problem is with the script I'm using or something else... I still have the same settings with my ZNC. The only change is that I'm using the latest mIRC version... Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you very much!
Posted By: KindOne Re: ZNC timestamps - mIRC - 18/03/15 04:43 AM
mIRC 7.33
53.Added CAP server-time and znc.in/server-time[-iso] support. Enabled
automatically with a CAP request if server lists it in CAP LS. If a
server message has a @time prefix with a UTC timestamp, $msgstamp
will return this value.

In mIRC 7.33 and newer, you will no longer see those *** Buffer playback / *** Playback complete lines.


I use something like this for my znc 1.6.0/mIRC 7.41, I guess this is what you are after?
on ^*:TEXT:*:#: {
  if ($nick == *buffextras) {
    var %nick = $gettok($1,1,$asc(!))

    ; Timestamp format -- CHANGE ME for different formats. /help $asctime
    var %format [HH:nn:ss]

    if ($3 == MODE:)       echo $color(mode) $chan $asctime($msgstamp,%format) * %nick sets mode: $4-
    elseif ($2 == JOINED)  echo $color(join) $chan $asctime($msgstamp,%format) * %nick ( $+ $gettok($1, 2, $asc(!)) $+ ) has joined $chan
    elseif ($2 == QUIT)    echo $color(quit) $chan $asctime($msgstamp,%format) * %nick ( $+ $gettok($1, 2, $asc(!)) $+ ) Quit ( $+ $4- $+ )
    elseif ($2 == PARTED)  echo $color(part) $chan $asctime($msgstamp,%format) * %nick ( $+ $gettok($1, 2, $asc(!)) $+ ) has left $chan
    elseif (($2 == IS) && ($3 == NOW)) echo $color(nick) $chan $asctime($msgstamp,%format) * %nick is now known as $6
    elseif ($2 == KICKED)  echo $color(kick) $chan $asctime($msgstamp,%format) * $3 was kicked by $gettok($1,1,$asc(!)) ( $+ $4- $+ )
    elseif ($2 == CHANGED) echo $color(join) $chan $asctime($msgstamp,%format) * %nick changes topic to ' $+ $6- $+ 03'
    else                   echo $color(erro) $chan *** UNHANDLED LINE < $+ $1- $+ >

I guess you want "var %format [mm/dd/yy HH:nn:ss]" in that example above to match your first picture?

Posted By: p10221 Re: ZNC timestamps - mIRC - 18/03/15 05:30 AM
Originally Posted By: KindOne

In mIRC 7.33 and newer, you will no longer see those *** Buffer playback / *** Playback complete lines.
Oh... Do you know why is that?

Originally Posted By: KindOne

I use something like this for my znc 1.6.0/mIRC 7.41, I guess this is what you are after?
on ^*:TEXT:*:#: {
  if ($nick == *buffextras) {
    var %nick = $gettok($1,1,$asc(!))

    ; Timestamp format -- CHANGE ME for different formats. /help $asctime
    var %format [HH:nn:ss]

    if ($3 == MODE:)       echo $color(mode) $chan $asctime($msgstamp,%format) * %nick sets mode: $4-
    elseif ($2 == JOINED)  echo $color(join) $chan $asctime($msgstamp,%format) * %nick ( $+ $gettok($1, 2, $asc(!)) $+ ) has joined $chan
    elseif ($2 == QUIT)    echo $color(quit) $chan $asctime($msgstamp,%format) * %nick ( $+ $gettok($1, 2, $asc(!)) $+ ) Quit ( $+ $4- $+ )
    elseif ($2 == PARTED)  echo $color(part) $chan $asctime($msgstamp,%format) * %nick ( $+ $gettok($1, 2, $asc(!)) $+ ) has left $chan
    elseif (($2 == IS) && ($3 == NOW)) echo $color(nick) $chan $asctime($msgstamp,%format) * %nick is now known as $6
    elseif ($2 == KICKED)  echo $color(kick) $chan $asctime($msgstamp,%format) * $3 was kicked by $gettok($1,1,$asc(!)) ( $+ $4- $+ )
    elseif ($2 == CHANGED) echo $color(join) $chan $asctime($msgstamp,%format) * %nick changes topic to ' $+ $6- $+ 03'
    else                   echo $color(erro) $chan *** UNHANDLED LINE < $+ $1- $+ >

I guess you want "var %format [mm/dd/yy HH:nn:ss]" in that example above to match your first picture?

Hmm... Just tried your code and it worked! Been trying to tinker with the script I'm using to no avail. Thank you so much for your help!
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