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I'm having trouble getting timers to call an alias to print to the correct channel. For example, the following acts as an echo. It does not print to the channel I am currently in, instead it prints to the console.

alias test { msg $chan test called }
on *:TEXT:test:#: { /timerStartTest 1 2 /test  }

However, if I make the following change

;alias test { msg $chan test called }
on *:TEXT:test:#: { /timerStartTest 1 2 msg $chan hi}

I get the message 'hi' printed to the correct channel. Is there some sort of interaction I'm missing here? I appreciate any help!
$chan only resolves from an event, the timer is in a different scope. You need to pass the channel name to the alias.
Thanks! That does work! For future searchers, the following code should look like this:

alias test { msg $1 test called }
on *:TEXT:test:#: { /timerStartTest 1 2 /test $chan }
Unfortunately, that code is open to exploit, you can read more about it there http://www.zigwap.com/mirc/eval_injection and I recommend you use the $safe alias around $chan.
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