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Posted By: ERIC_ESOT Notifys show in active window & shouldn't - 05/07/13 07:09 AM
mIRC 7.32 WINDOWS 7 Under mIRC Address Book - Notify

Under Notify Options I have check marked only 1 BOX for the line stating:
Show Notifies only in notify window.

the line stating:
Show notifies in active window. Box for this line is NOT checked.

Notifies show up in my active windows after I add or edit a Nickname & click OK & OK to finish the add or edit


mIRC adds the notifies to my log of my open window & Screws up my log files by adding all my notifies to the Nickname Log of the currently open Nickname.

How do I stop notifies from showing in my active windows?
Posted By: Deega Re: Notifys show in active window & shouldn't - 06/07/13 02:36 AM
You could add these line to your remote scripts (Press ALT + R)
on ^*:notify:haltdef
on ^*:unotify:haltdef

Note though that this will prevent mIRC from playing any notify sounds, doing /whois on notify lookups etc., so if you want any of that it will need to be scripted into the above events.


Ty for ur kindness - but i am a newb with no idea what to do once i hit Alt R
i do want mIRC to play notify sounds, doing /whois on notify lookups etc
Posted By: Deega Re: Notifys show in active window & shouldn't - 06/07/13 04:10 AM
Originally Posted By: ERIC_ESOT

Ty for ur kindness - but i am a newb with no idea what to do once i hit Alt R
Really? If you press Alt+R you'll see an editbox that you can paste those lines into. crazy wink

Originally Posted By: ERIC_ESOT

i do want mIRC to play notify sounds, doing /whois on notify lookups etc
on ^*:notify:{
  ; Check if you want to /whois this nick
  if $notify($nick).whois { whois $nick }
  ; Check for a notify sound to play
  if $notify($nick).sound {
    ; If there is one, check if it is "beep" and /beep if it is
    if $v1 == beep { beep }
    ; Else it is a soundfile, so /splay it
    else splay $qt($v1)
  ; Halt the default output

on ^*:unotify:{
  ; Have to read the mirc.ini entry for notify offline sounds
  var %a = $readini($mircini,notify,$+(n,$calc($notify($nick)-1))),%b
  ; Check for offline sound item
  if $pos(%a,Wave2:,1) {
    ; If found, find the position of it in the entry
    %b = $v1 + 7
    ; Check if it is beep, and beep if it is
    if $mid(%a,%b) == beep { beep }
    ; Otherwise it's a soundfile, so /splay it
    else splay $qt($v1)
  ; Halt the default output
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