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I'm on windows 7 64bit, and sometimes after a reboot of my pc, mIRC will have forgotten most of my settings, Nick, Colour settings, Preferences and so forth...

I thought it might be some windows 7 thing and set it to run as administrator but that didn't help.

Any ideas?
Do you close mIRC (And other applications that are running) before rebooting?
I'm experiencing the same very annoying problem, also on Windows 7 64-bit (Home Premium, German)

It may very well be that it only happens if mIRC is force-closed by the Windows shutdown process since I usually do not manually close every single application before shutting down. Even so this shouldn't happen in my opinion and I never had this problem on Vista or XP.

I'll try to manually close mIRC for a while and see if that helps, but it is not all too easy to find out since it happens very randomly - sometimes three days in a row - then again there could be two weeks with everything working fine.
I guarantee that if you close mIRC prior to shutting down, you will not have this data corruption issue with a clean copy. --unless of course your disk drive is corrupt.
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