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I want to get a tooltip notification when I have mIRC closed and someone mentions my nickname on a channel, with the message it sent.
The tips option page is confusing. How do I have it give me a tooltip that lets me know when someone mentions my nick on IRC?
If mIRC is closed, then you can't.
However, if mIRC is minimized, then you can set it up in the Address Book (Alt + B)
Go to the Highlight tab
Check Enable Highlight
Click Add
Enter $me in the box under Highlight lines that contain these words.
Select Message or Both for the Match on dropbox.
Check Tip Message
Enter $1- in the box Message:
Click OK
Click OK

NOTE: I left the timing for the display of the tip at the default of 3 seconds. That can be changed to 60 seconds in the dropbox beside where you checked Tip Message.
Thank you very much.

EDIT: Hmm, all it shows in the popup window is "$1", not the actual message that made it do it...
OK. I admit I was guessing about using $1- in that field for the actual message, as I don't use it for that reason. Maybe someone else that does use it like you want to can fix my error.
on *:text:*:#:{
if ($me isin $1-) noop $tip(me_tip,$nick mentioned you in #,$1-)

Thank you so much!
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